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2 Leaders, 1 Goal

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Ezra 1:5-6
“Then rose up the chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests, and the Levites, with all them whose spirit God had raised, to go up to build the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem. And all they that were about them strengthened their hands with vessels of silver, with gold, with goods, and with beasts, and with precious things, beside all that was willingly offered.”

While Nehemiah was rebuilding the walls of the city, Ezra was rebuilding the temple. Originally Ezra and Nehemiah were one book, they were divided later. Without the temple rebuilt, the walls Nehemiah rebuilt would have pointless. To rebuild our cities we must work together and work under our personal strengths.

The First Priority strategy starts with connecting the local churches in a community together as a team surrounding the local middle and high schools. Until the church is “rebuilt” and unified, our work is not complete. Sometimes it takes rebuilding a mindset in a community between the churches to make this happen. Just as Ezra and Nehemiah did, it’s all about getting everyone working toward a common goal. That goal is to see that every student hears the Good News. Chapter One of the book of Ezra sees Israel destroyed, desolate, and the people were decimated. But God is a God of second chances. God had a next chapter for Israel. Restoration was possible. In fact, Cyrus restored all the vessels stolen from Solomon’s temple.

We have students all across the nation that need restoration in their lives. They are desperate. Nehemiah and Ezra worked hand in hand to see the glory of God return to Israel. First Priority wants to work hand in hand with “Nehemiahs” and “Ezras” all across the country to see the glory of God return to our nation. It can happen! The book of Ezra is proof of that. Restoration can happen when the church has a spirit of unity and is willing work together.

4 Ways To Bring Hope To Those Around You

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4 Ways to Bring Hope To Those Around You…..

First, you can help them understand the Good News of Jesus. What is that Good News that Jesus brought? Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness (God’s way of living), and all these things will be given to you as well.” Jesus is talking to people who believe in God, but their lives are consumed with the same stuff everyone else’s lives are consumed with: “What are we going to eat, what are we going to drink…” We need to help people who believe in God and those who do not to understand that the kingdom of God is here! Repent and be baptized! There is a way to live life that will bring long lasting hope rather than temporary entertainment. That way is Jesus.

Second, we can help them to overcome the temporary struggles and obstacles to living the way Jesus leads. We can overcome because salvation isn’t something that happens when you die. After all, what is heaven? Heaven is living with God. When you became a Christian, was that not the moment you began living with God? Of course! So why do we often think we need to die and go to heaven? We are in heaven right now when we experience the peace, hope, and joy in our life living with Christ Jesus. We need to overcome our human nature, our sinful thought, and our temporary vision and see that God’s kingdom is with us.

Third, we can prepare people to be used by God. There is nothing greater than being used by the creator of the universe to redeem his creation. The most frequent way that God uses his people is by telling God’s story through the experiences of life. Life has brought us all through the ups and downs. What better way to express the ‘praiseworthy deeds of the Lord’ (psalm 78:4) than by sharing how God brought you to and through that life experience. When people hear the ‘praiseworthy deeds of the Lord’, the logical outcome is for them ‘to put their trust in God and not forget his deeds but would keep his commands’. (Psalm 78:7) Being prepared to give a reason for the hope that is in you (1 Peter 3:15) not only brings hope to your life, but to those who hear as well.

Last, but certainly not least, we can bring hope to those around us by having good looking feet. What? Yup, it is true. Romans 10 13-15 says this, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Paul new that people would not call on the name of the Lord in isolation. So he asked a series of questions to help us to understand how people will call on the name of the Lord. “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?” So, what does this have to do with having good looking feet? Paul uses that as an analogy when he states in verse 15, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” When we feel sent to people to tell them that the Kingdom of God is here, we give them the opportunity to call on the name of the Lord. Again, we rise in our hope and so do those who hear us.

There you have it. Four ways to bring hope to those around you. If you are struggling with hope yourself, time to pick one and get active.


Brad Schelling

Alternative Presence

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I’ve been wrestling with the idea of the local church being a sleeping giant lately. Given I live in the world and ideology of the ministry of First Priority, it is no wonder that I struggle with the institutional side of the body of Christ. I want the body of Christ to be organic and influential in our world. I often bang the drum of church unity and call the [institutional] church to rise up.  If you listen to Fox News or CNN, you hear them talking often why the majority of citizens of our country who consider themselves Christian do not rise up and take control of the direction of our nation.  After all, there are enough of us to do it. So, we end up continuing to call the church the sleeping giant.


This quote below causes me to believe that the giant is not sleeping; it is doing and being what Jesus laid out for us.  It is simply not the way our human nature would expect on the surface.

“These early Christ-followers did not organize special interest groups or political parties. They never directly opposed Caesar; they didn’t picket or protest or attempt to overthrow the ruling powers. They didn’t publicly denounce or condemn the pagan world. Instead, they challenged the ruling powers by simply being a faithful, alternative presence—obedient to God. Their most distinguishing characteristic was not their ideology or their politics but their love for others. They lived as those who were, once again, living under the rule and reign of God, a sign and foretaste of what it will be fully, when Christ returns.”  S. Michael Craven

I do not think those of us who labor for First Priority stop calling the church to unity or asking them to rise up.  But maybe we need to add to our language the ‘alternative presence’ we are to the world in order to help our people understand that following Christ is not a political uprising, but a unity of helping the spiritual orphans in our schools.

Just thinking out loud.


Brad Schelling

3 Reasons Why Every Church Should Hang the ‘Student’s Bill of Rights’ in the Youth Room.

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1. Because students do not know their rights.
I have been in student ministry for 20 years. I have worked for First Priority for the past 8. While I am not a huge talker, you would think that my kids know that they have the right to talk about their faith at school. But, I still have to remind them that their teacher is wrong. The First Amendment gives them the right to talk about faith and grace in their homework and in their classroom when the moments present themselves. We all need reminding of our freedoms. I read my Bible and pray on a regular basis because I am not smart enough to remember what God has done for me longer than 24 hours. Let’s help students remember that God has given them the place and platform to speak light into dark and hopeless souls at school.

2. Because teachers don’t know the Equal Access Act law
It is well known in student ministry that life after high school often leads even the strongest Christian students away from faith. What would make us think that the education department of the local university would make sure that all new teachers know how to help students share faith in Christ? Nothing. The opposite is more true. Many times they simply ignore the law completely. Often, they continually preach separation of church and state. Not only do students need to know their rights, teachers need to know that they can help by being the custodial presence in the classroom.

3. Because this is the moment in history when your student leaders have the opportunity to influence their generation.
At no other time in the lifespan of a person do they have the influence and proximity to such a large group of people than when you attend school. After school, we all break off into companies, shifts, and management levels. Our groups are smaller than when you are part of the 100 or 2,000 that walk the halls of school everyday. Let’s capitalize on the opportunity. After all, many students in your community haven’t rejected the message of Jesus, they have never heard it.
For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”  “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” Romans 10:13-15

Let’s send students to their school to preach the Good News of Jesus to those who haven’t yet heard!


Brad Schelling

You are CRAZY!

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1 Corinthians 2:14 says, “The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.” I hear a lot of people say the Bible never really made sense to them until they gave their lives to Christ. Well, there you go.
If you have ever been around non- believers and they think your crazy; welcome to the party. God has changed your heart because you heard the gospel and the Holy Spirit of God convicted you. Then, a real conversion happened in you. Your mind became re-wired to hear the Holy Spirit, you also were given a new heart. You and I were influenced by somebody, but make no mistake, we play only a small role in the salvation department of God. However, it is a huge part of God’s plan. Our job is to love God and love people. I pray today that you will play your part. Pray for those you are around. Ask God to give you the opportunity to partner with Him to influence the lives of people so that they too may understand the Spirit of God.

We are aliens of this world, strangers passing through. Our great goal is to take as many people with us on our way to our real home.


Keep Fishing,

Mark Roberts

What’s Happening….

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We are seeing God move among us. For this we are thankful. This week I wanted to simply share some stories of how God is dwelling among us.

“It is Engage Week in the Permian Basin. Students reaching students with the Gospel message has been life changing. 89 students have begun a relationship with Jesus Christ and we aren’t done yet. 2 more days to go! “

“Ana is a 6th grader at Mascoutah Middle School. Last week she stood up and presented the story of Christ to classmates. Her words were clear and she spoke with boldness! After her presentation, her teacher sponsor, campus coach, and students applauded her and several made sure to encourage her. It is stories like these that give us all hope in the next generation! Students are reaching students! Ana has 6 1/2 more years as a missionary in her school! Praise God for the witness He will have through her!”

“Our club is growing as students take more ownership, pray and serve their school! This month, they had an Easter Egg giveaway with a piece of candy and encouraging verse inside! Their club was also featured on Tribe Talk!”

“Ross, a new campus coach, is leading the students very well! New sports and activities effected numbers, but that doesn’t stop these students preparing and presenting better and better every week!”

“Grateful to report that 15 students gave their life to Christ at New River!! Thank you Jesus!! ‪#‎firstprioritysf‬ ‪#‎9monthmissiontrip‬ ‪#‎churchcampuschrist”

“Served pancakes at Youree Drive Middle School this morning and 9 students received Christ! ‪#‎hopeformyschool‬”

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I heard this quote in church this week and I believe that sharing story of life change and student leadership development is the best way to encourage you, whether you are already participating in the First Priority movement or have not jumped in.

“These early Christ-followers did not organize special interest groups or political parties. They never directly opposed Caesar; they didn’t picket or protest or attempt to overthrow the ruling powers. They didn’t publicly denounce or condemn the pagan world. Instead, they challenged the ruling powers by simply being a faithful, alternative presence—obedient to God. Their most distinguishing characteristic was not their ideology or their politics but their love for others. They lived as those who were, once again, living under the rule and reign of God, a sign and foretaste of what it will be fully, when Christ returns.” S. Michael Craven

We are to be known for our love for each other. We want to be known for sharing hope with those who are looking for it. The gospel to the masses is our goal. Thank you for being in that family.


Brad Schelling

Behave or Belong?

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Rom. 14:10-12, “You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat.  It is written: ‘“As surely as I live,” says the Lord, “Every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.”’  So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.”

Somehow the word “church” or “Christian” brings up thoughts of judgment and condemnation. I know that most students in our 67,000 middle and high schools have not rejected the message of the gospel; most have never heard it. What someone knows about God, Christianity or Church is what they have picked up from the media. Most think of someone holding up a sign that says “God hates gays” or protesting a military funeral or an abortion clinic, that is not God! God is love. God is not willing that any perish but all to come to know Him. Our job as Christian’s is to love people and share the hope of Christ with them. The job of the Holy Spirit is to convict people of their sin and convert them. We are just asked to be salt and light in a dark world. We live where we live and go to school or work where we work because of one reason, God put you there! Let’s try to quit making everyone behave and let’s let the Holy Spirit work though us because we belong to Christ.

Keep Fishing,

Mark Roberts

First Priority Fundamentals

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The ministry context of First Priority is designed to be a multi-denominational movement of churches that equips Christian students to work together in the middle and high schools and influence their culture with the gospel. That is First Priority. Our desired picture for the United States is to see the hope of Christ in every student. We are doing that by uniting the local body of Christ with a plan of action to influence the school with the gospel. The individual churches send their students to school together as missionaries with networks of adult support. After all, there are more students who identify with Jesus and consider themselves Christian than any other group in the school! Why are they not the most influential? Because they are not united.

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Join with us to help unite the these students and help them influence your local middle and high school with the good news of the gospel!

Peace, Brad Schelling

God In Me

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If you are a new Christian you are now a follower of Jesus. If that is the case, not only have you made the greatest decision you will ever make, but the most life changing one as well. In the book of John in the New Testament Jesus tells a man name Nicodemus that he must be born again: spiritually. We can not be physically born again, but we can be born again on the inside by asking Jesus to forgive us of our sin and inviting him to be the Savior and Lord of our life. When we do this God’s Spirit dwells in us and we begin to change from the inside out. The evidence of His presence starts to show immediately; in our mind and heart. (When I say heart I mean totality of my being, who I am when I am alone with my thoughts.) Our physical bodies (what the Bible calls the old flesh) will still sin. However, now the difference is the Spirit of God inside lets me know quickly that it was wrong. The other evidence for me is a peace inside that is always with me. Jesus said He was the Great Shepherd and His sheep hear His voice. The more you and I get to know God the more we will recognize his voice.

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Keep Fishing,

Mark Roberts

3 Ways For You to Carry the Load

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1- When you carry the load, it is often associated with words like ‘responsibility’ and ‘dependability’. Whether at home, at work, or in social settings, carrying the load and being the person people look to for answers can be intimidating. Ministry carries with it the notion of being on call 24/7. If not physically, mentally the idea of working at all times can be there. It can wear on you if you do not get reprieve. In foster care, they call it ‘respite’; a weekend or week-long moment for someone else to come in and take care of the kids. Taking on 24/7 responsibility is to much to not get a break from. God knew this in creation. Even in a perfect creation, He set up a sabbath on the seventh day. Jesus knew we needed a break but opened the door for us to take a break as we need when He said, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” (Mark 2:27) Taking a break is not just for the seventh day, but any day. Jesus was busy doing good on the Sabbath, so people asked Him about it. They did not know that His Sabbath was every day before sunrise. This opens the door and helps us to realize that we need to rest in God’s presence at any moment while taking on the 24/7 of ministry. How do we carry the load? We take breaks on purpose.

2- You could become an ant. Ants are amazing! They can carry 50 times their weight. If I were a 210 pound ant, I could carry over 10,000 pounds. But this is not the load I was talking about. Nor is becoming an ant an attainable life goal for any human but Ant Man himself. So let’s move on.

3- Get united. How does a piece of paper lift me, a 210 pound man, and inch off the ground? By working together. This piece of paper alone, I can crumble in my hand.

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But, by being strategic and aligning itself (with the help of a designer) with a lot of other pieces of paper, it can hold me up.

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How do you carry the load of ministry? Do you play your role? Do you have small group leaders to invest in smaller groups? Do you have go to speakers who can fill in when you need respite? Do you have other church leaders from other churches to help you influence the school with the gospel? You do not do it alone. Each one of those combs in the picture is a piece of paper, going back and forth, glued together in a pattern, to carry the weight. Ministry is the same way. There are to many students looking for the hope of Christ, both inside and outside your church, to try to manage ministry alone. You will crumble under the pressure like a single piece of paper under my weight. If you get together and get united around one purpose and work together, you can lift anything. You can rise above. You can move mountains. You can see the hope of Christ change a generation of students: from suicide to life; from cutting to healing; from bullying to serving; from drinking to filled with the Holy Spirit. Together, we can carry the load.


Brad Schelling