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Youth Pastor Summit Registration Opens January 5th!

By December 29, 2016Uncategorized

Mark your calendars! Registration for Youth Pastor Summit opens January 5th! Jay Strack, (President and Founder of Student Leadership University), and Brent Crowe, (Vice-President of SLU), have been long time friends and fans of screen-shot-2016-12-15-at-12-03-09-pmFirst Priority. Much like FP, they are Kingdom workers building into student ministry. Click the images for more information.


Student Leadership Universityscreen-shot-2016-12-15-at-12-18-28-pm has been privileged to host Youth Pastor Summit (YPS) for youth pastors and their teams for the past 20 years. Youth Pastor Summit, valued at $300, is provided as a gift to youth pastors, youth workers, youth volunteers, and educators as an encouragement and investment in those who are making a lasting impact in the lives of students. This is a two-day conference that includes speakers, labs, worship, lunch, and free resources for student ministries.

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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