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Your Hand to Success-Nehemiah 2

By June 22, 2015Uncategorized

Your Hand to Success

Nehemiah 2:8 – “the hand of God was on him.” It wasn’t because Nehemiah had a plan that made him successful. It was the hand of God. Proverbs tells us “many are the plans of a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

How did Nehemiah discover God’s purpose? Two words: Kislev and Nisan. Kislev is the month of March(ish). Nisan is the month of December(ish). Nehemiah took nine months to process what his friends came back and reported from the city of Jerusalem. After nine months Nehemiah could no longer do his day job. He cried before the king.

Many people ask us how long it takes to start First Priority in their community. In asking this question, they are really asking how long it would take to start a club. A club in school can start as short as today and as long as tomorrow. How long it takes for you to develop your call to unite the community you are in and sense God’s hand in this plan? I do not know the answer to that question. Mark Roberts calls it the ‘sleep test’. Once you start losing sleep over lost kids in your community, call us. Some do. Some don’t. We’ve had roofers calls us letting us know they are selling their company. We’ve had student ministers call us and say they can’t continue to do student ministry anymore without adding in First Priority. We’ve had moms call us and organized there friends to get First Priority going.
Whatever your situation is, take the time you need to develop your plan and wait for God’s hand. It is never to late. It is never to early.

Brad Schelling

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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