First Priority has been hosting ‘Coordinator Orientations’ recently to help people interested in the First Priority strategy gain a full understanding of the impact launching a new First Priority movement in their community can be. The concept of FP is simple, but the practical leadership has many aspects surrounding it, from church politics in working together, running faith based ministry inside a school building, and equipping students to share the gospel, to name a few. We recently had a few new leaders gather in Nashville and here is what they had to say:
“One thing that blew me away was how well organized First Priority really is. I’ve been a part of many school ministries, but none that are so organized and set up for growth as First Priority.” Ory from Loxley, AL
“At the Orientation I learned many things, but there were three that really stood out.
First is prayer. Mark expressed to us that a community is changed by prayer. Our heart must first break for our community. Our burden will then be seen and expressed to others. To get people involved with First Priority begins with prayer. People will volunteer and give to what they have prayed about. I made a goal to make my “first priority” with a new youth pastor or church interested, to get them praying. To partner with them in prayer for the school they are interested and let that trickle across to the parents, students and congregation.
Secondly, Brad illustrated through paper tied together that we can do more together than apart. This encouraged me to realize the shared First Priority family across the nation, the support of our leadership, and the importance of connecting local churches. I made a goal to work toward being the middle man who connects churches that may not normally partner in the community to work together over time. I believe if they did they would see the benefit.
Thirdly, Steve spoke to us about being servants to the local church. After he explained that many churches never have outside help and many are struggling, it connected some puzzle pieces for me in my community. I made it a goal and am developing a strategic plan to volunteer in local churches in various ways. It is my goal to make First Priority in my community known for the organization that serves churches.
Overall the training was very effective in my life because it connected dots for me. It also was very encouraging to see the overall and long term plan of FPOA. Finally, it was very helpful to connect with other directors across America who share the vision, mission and heart of First Priority and minister in unique ways.” Joel from Clayton, NC
Whether you are interested in starting First Priority in only 1 school or plant a seed to reach your whole city, the orientation is the place to start. We have a couple of them coming up. The first is May 23-24 in Middlesboro, KY and the second is May 16-17 in Birmingham, AL. Email for more information.
Brad Schelling