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Where is the Best Party on the Planet?

By September 1, 2015Uncategorized

Where the spirit of God is moving is where the best party on the planet is happening. Was that to early to answer my question? blog over…. but wait, this leads to a question…….

Are you feeling the spirit of a party happening in your life today? The best moments of my ministry career are the moments when I hear the story of a life change. God moving in the life of a student, or teacher, or parent at school through the First Priority ministry that I played my role in. BEST PARTY ON THE PLANET. We talked perspective last week in the blog. Here is another: there are Holy Spirit parties happening all over the world each and every moment of each and every day of each and every year since the fall of man. My prayer each day: God, help me to do the work that I need to do in order to see a party happen today.

Nehemiah built the wall and labored hard for 56 days getting it done. He was simply following God’s burden for his heart. I don’t think he had any idea that massive revival would break out (see Nehemiah 12). But it did. We know that with First Priority, lives will be changed each and every day in schools around the country. With 2,500 clubs in 32 states and 31 organized communities, God is using us to do His thing in the lives of students. It is humbling. AND it IS a party.


Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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