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What a Year it has Been!

By December 9, 2016Uncategorized

Merry Christmas!

What a year it has been. While there are still 23 days left of the year, we are in evaluation and implementation mode looking into 2017. So first of all, let me share a couple things about 2016.

From the Blue Ridge, TN chapter in October:  100% of First Priority Clubs that shared the Gospel that month saw at least one student respond!

From the Shreveport, LA chapter:  During the month of October, over 1,000 students participated in clubs, 13 responded to the gospel by committing their lives to Christ, 29 asked to talk with someone about the gospel, and 26 asked for help find a local church student ministry!

The South Florida chapter recently announced the launch of their 200th club! This morning Chris said it was at 202. Great news reaching a great goal.

In total, we have 48 new clubs in new schools in 2016! Some of those clubs were started by the 8 new leaders in new locations! The best part is that the Good News of Jesus is being proclaimed by students to their peers and 1,000+ students have responded already this fall!

2017 is looking to build even more momentum. We have 8 people who are already trained to implement First Priority and are currently networking churches to get 1-3 clubs going the first of next year. In addition to that, our goal is to train and launch another 25 people to bring the ministry concept of First Priority back to their community.

If you know someone who might find passion in the First Priority model of ministry, would you send them our direction? Have them check out for an overview of who we are. If they check out, they will see some of the details of the ministry. Our next training is January 23-24 in Nashville, TN.

Brad Schelling

First Priority of America

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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