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Hear from Casey Jones how he became the FP Director of North Alabama

By September 28, 2017Local FP Communities

In John 17:21, Jesus prays for us to be one, as He and the Father are one, so that the world will know that God sent Him. Five months before coming on board as the Executive Director of First Priority North Alabama, my family and I prayed, “God, what do you want to do here and how?” Screen Shot 2017-09-27 at 1.44.39 PMAs we prayed, HE continued to take us to that verse. I thought, “yes, Unity but how? God, I don’t have connections in the area you are calling me to”. HE replied, “I know, it’s not you it’s me”. What a relief.

The team that God already had in place began to share their contacts and we could see that God was already speaking UNITY to others. I went and met with new and old churches to talk about the vision God had spoken to us and they said, “Unity is our theme this year for our church” or “we just had that conversation at lunch with our staff and now you bring this confirmation”. It was confirmation for me as well that I’m not missing HIM. Oh, and did I mention that He began to bring diversity (races and denominations) to what He was doing.

I really do not know how He did this, but I do know it was all Him. We prayed daily that He was Jehovah Nissi, the God that goes before us, and man did He ever. As of this morning we have 64 coaches wrapped around 24 campuses (at the end of the last school year we were at 21 coaches) with prayerfully 7 more coaches ready to be added. Our former Executive Director and Board laid the ground work and now we have come in and reaped where we have not sown (John 4:38). This truly has been a work of prayer and obedience for everyone involved and I am thankful to be a part of First Priority and what God is doing in our students across America.

Casey Jones
Executive Director
FP North Alabama

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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