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The Only Way To Bring Hope to America

By February 18, 2016Uncategorized

The only way to bring HOPE to America Hope. A word that in our physical world simply implies a desire
for a set outcome, expectation or desire to happen. In the spiritual sense, it is a longing inside of us that is often left unfulfilled. As believers in Jesus, we know that that longing for hope can only be fulfilled [forever] by having a relationship with Christ. Sure, we can hope to have a great vacation which can lead to a good time with family. But we all know that the hope is lost the first morning back at work/school when you are exhausted and back to the routine of life. In America, we are hearing that there is a decline in Christianity. My opinion is that the decline is not as great as the stats say, but that more people are being honest in claiming the title ‘Christian’. Being a Christian is not as socially acceptable as it once was.
Why claim something you were only on the fringe about anyway if it could potentially hurt social status? With this honesty comes opportunity! An opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus with those that have never heard. With fewer claiming the title, it is easier to have the conversation of repentance and HOPE found in Jesus Christ. We need to realize that not all students who grow up in church even know what the Good News of Jesus is. They may have heard the stories of David, Daniel, Moses, Christmas, Abraham, and Easter, but they are not guaranteed to understand that Jesus came, died on the cross, rose, and desires a relationship with them.What if we took the 45% of students who still call themselves Christian in Birmingham, AL or the 12% of students who call themselves Christian in Riverside, CA and help them share HOPE with those that have never heard? Even with only 12%, they are one of the largest, if not THE largest group of people at the school. Let’s help them be the most influential. As adults, we cannot step onto the school campus and preach Jesus, but students can. So what can we do? We can pray. We can coach students. We can know the law. We can adopt a school. We can provide insight into the community. The best thing we can do is promote unity as the body of Christ! How can the LGBT be so influential with less than 2% of the population claiming the lifestyle? Unity. Let’s unite the local body of Christ with a plan of action to influence your school with the Gospel.


Brad Schelling

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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