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The Gift of Good News

The Gift of the Good News!
“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21

Christmas Greetings!

It truly is the most wonderful time of the year as we celebrate the greatest Gift ever given, Immanuel – God with us! As each year continues to allow more reflection on the years previous, I get to see all the more how God guides and blesses each of us through the seasons of life. This year I am excited to share that we have recorded 7,362 students coming to Christ in the year of our Lord 2012!
But there is more…

Our Team in South Flordia has 5,000 special edition Christmas Bibles being delivered to the F.P. clubs this month. As you can see in this picture, Brody Howell is loading up his trunk! With two more weeks left of school and it being Christmas, there are hundreds, if not thousands more who will hear the gospel, many for the first time ever!

Our Expansion Team is seeing movement in a dozen new areas as we head into the new year. With an average of 4 new clubs starting in 6 of our new communities in 2012, that’s a potential of seeing 48 new clubs in new schools in new areas for 2013!! And that’s not counting the new clubs that will rise up as our current local organizations grow larger and stronger. We fully expect our response rate to break 10,000 in the year 2013!

The month of December has traditionally been the most important month of giving for us throughout the year. Not only does it help us finish strong, but we rely heavily on the end-of-the-year giving to sustain us for the first quarter of the next year. As we face the challenge that lies ahead, may we ask you to purposely pray about what God would have you do? As the students, teachers, and campus coaches each do their part in the schools, as we at FPOA continue to do our part in building into churches to start new schools into 2013, would you consider being a part in praying for and partnering with us to share Christ on campus.

Sharing the Gift,

~ The FPoA Team ~

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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