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Taking the Role of Nehemiah

By February 14, 2013Nehemiah

As the Intiator of First Priority in your community you take the role of Nehemiah. 

In the first chapter of Nehemiah, you may notice that Nehemiah is burdened because he became aware of the condition of the city and the people of Jerusalem.

  • He mourned, wept, prayed and fasted for days.
  • He prayed for favor and an opportunity to share this with the king.
  • He was given the opportunity to ask the king and queen for what he needed to accomplish the task.
  • He surveyed the condition of the city with a team of people and they said, “Lets rebuild.”
  • Nehemiah organized the people to work on their section of the wall.

God has made you aware of the conditions of the schools and students in your community. Have you mourned, prayed, wept, and fasted for them? He will give you an opportunity to influence the community of believers!

Will you take on the role of Nehemiah? 

Praying with and for you,

Brad Schelling

FPOA Director of Expansion

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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