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Students Reach Students

By January 24, 2013Student Leaders

We would like to introduce you to a student from Hartsville, SC. Cora reached out to us on Facebook. She is a student at Mayo High School for Math, Science, and Technology. Cora and about five other students have developed a passion to reach their school with the gospel.


Cora wrote, “These five students are in charge of First Priority at Mayo for the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 school years, along with one of the school’s science teachers, Mrs. Taylor. There are four sophomores and one junior. They are David Hellmig II, Kenny Hellmig (David’s brother), Alex Barber, Elizabeth Sturgeon, and me. As a First Priority Leader’s Squad (our unofficial team name), we are spending part of our winter break trying to plan and prepare for our upcoming event, Ignite. I am asking on behalf of the group for some assistance.


Matthew 5:16 and 1 Timothy 4:12,



We love the opportunity to help students reach students on their school campuses. We have reached back out to Cora and resourced them with the First Priority Strategy. We have begun a friendship and they are learning more each week on how to implement this strategy. Being a leader is hard but leaders are a must in making any change. If no one ever leads then nothing ever starts. We are so thankful for these student leaders in Hartsville, SC. We hope that you are encouraged by their efforts to reach your school for Christ.  Please pray for these students as they lead a First Priority movement in their school and community. Also pray for their Ignite event that is happening this March to help create momentum for First Priority.

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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