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New Year Same Goal

By January 10, 2013Priority Parents

This past year 9680 students put their hope in Christ. God has granted us 2013 to give hope to many other students. As the new year comes so does the coming of new goals and resolutions. Many will start new fitness programs, and plans on how to change their goals in the new year. Will you make First Priority your strategy and tool to equip the local church to reach to influence the school with the gospel ?

First Priority of Greater Decatur is teaming up with Moms In Prayer this month. The event is designed  to “train mothers in a way they can become prayer leaders around the schools in prayer. ” Check out this article about a training happening in Decatur, AL in a couple of weeks. We share this with you not that you need to attend, but to get the wheels turning for what is possible for your community as well.

The local Moms in prayer ministry covers about 10% of the schools in First Priority Greater Decatur’s area. First Priority of Greater Decatur knowing that they cover 90% of the schools wanted to help in seeing more mothers praying around the schools. To build prayer parent networks by partnering with Moms in touch can help them do this. The event on Jan. 31 will have two options a lunch and a coffee and dessert option that day. Campus coaches have invited mothers and retired ladies from all over the community. At the event a Moms in Touch cordinator will lead a training in how a Moms in Prayer meeting happens. The meeting will give information to mothers and others on how to become a part of or becoming a leader in the prayer ministry.

About Moms in Prayer

The Core Beliefs
We all adhere to the Moms in Prayer International Statement of Faith, a personal acceptance of
Jesus into one’s life as Savior and Lord, and that Jesus is God.
We believe that through prayer God releases His power on behalf of our children and schools. Our
faith is in God who hears and answers our prayers.

The Core Purpose
Mission Statement
Moms in Prayer International impacts children and schools worldwide for Christ by gathering mothers to pray.
Vision Statement
Our vision is that every school in the world would be covered with prayer.

The Core Priorities
God First
Family Second
Ministry Third

 The Core Format and Method
One Accord Praying
The Four Steps of Prayer
Praying scripturally
Praying specifically
Evangelism praying

The Guiding Principles
We are bond-servants of the Lord, completely dependent upon Him for guidance and help.
We do not trust in chariots or horses, but in the name of the LORD our God. Psalm 20:7
We are a discipleship and a multiplication ministry.
Discipleship: teach women how to pray and trust God

Multiplication: every school prayed for by a group
We have been called to serve in Moms in Prayer.
We are accountable to represent the ministry and vision with love and integrity.
We nurture, encourage and equip with a godly, gracious, uncritical spirit, setting an example of
biblical womanhood and sexual purity.
We have a message that brings encouragement and hope to mothers.
We maintain strict confidentiality – what is prayed for in the group, stays in the group.
We pray for children and schools.

We are not a lobbying group: Moms in Prayer International is not a lobbying group, regardless of how worthy the cause. Participation in outside political and social issues must be done solely on an individual basis. Under no circumstances should the Moms in Prayer International name be used in conjunction with outside issues.
We will communicate to our financial supporters with the highest professional standards of truth,
accuracy, and propriety before God.


Find a Moms in Prayer in your area

What is a Priority Parent – Fans in the Stands: A network of parents around each school committed to modeling healthy family relationships, discipling their students, while praying, participating, promoting, & providing for the mission and vision of First Priority.

If you are your city would be interested in starting a similar partnership we would love to help you in that.

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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