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Meet Zach

By March 3, 2017Uncategorized

Sean Hall, FP Director of St. Louis Metro East, shares an interview he had with one of his student leaders.

Zach is a student leader in the 6th grade at Carriel Jr. High.

Our interview:

Q: What is your favorite memory of First Priority?

Our first week . . . we had an Engage Week… I went through the hallways and told everyone to invite everyone, and we almost ran out of doughnuts because there were so many kids at First Priority.

Q: Why is God your First Priority?

He’s my First Priority because I know that He’s my one person to serve and my goal is to connect more non-believers to Him because I know that if I do that I’ll be able to see them again when we die and we’ll be able to see each other in heaven. If I can connect other kids to Christ, we can live together forever in our faith.

Q: When did God lead you to start First Priority?

Probably about a year ago when my sister first started First Priority at her school. I just felt like God was calling me out to do something greater outside of my perspective that I’m not used to doing and so far its been going pretty good.

Q: Have you had a time at club when you were shy?

Yep. At the very beginning of First Priority I was a little scared. Like what if these people don’t like me if I start saying stuff that they don’t believe in? Or if I lose friends or something?

But then i just prayed about it and I knew that God would use me in a way that I never thought he would. So I just sat down one night at my desk and I started writing stuff out on a card. When I got to First Priority the next morning God gave me the words.

Q: How does God remind you to push through and be unashamed of Him?

That He’s the one and only God and He’s done this before. I’m sure that when God was first doing it he was a little shy at first but He’s just telling me to be bold and share more about him so that more people will believe in him in the world.

Q: How has God grown your faith through First Priority?

. . . because of people speaking the gospel to me, and my mom is a big impact to me . . . and all the people that have my back. . . by seeing other people there that I know that need to get connected [to Christ] so I know I need to grow to connect them to Christ.

Q: What can God do through First Priority at Carriel Jr. High?

I think God can connect more students that don’t know Him, to Him . . . so that one day we can be a school full of Christians. It makes it a better place with less bad things going on.

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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