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To Take the Hope of Christ to Every Student!

The mission of First Priority of America has been stronger than ever this past year as we have had to navigate the way we do things in the midst of a world full of changes. We have spent time adapting to these changes while also focusing on our 5 Year Plan of expanding First Priority of America to new areas, reaching more students with the Gospel of Christ!

First Priority of America is hiring. One of the newest areas we are expanding is into TN Tennessee’s 1st Congressional District. Do you know someone with business and ministry leadership who would fit with the mission and culture of FPoA? You can read the job posting here.

These two senior high girls at FP of the Lakeshore in Grand Haven, MI have been making videos to reach their peers for Christ! They have really put time and effort into reaching students for Christ in a fun and inviting way. Click the image to watch!

Many FP clubs are asking for prayer as things are so different this school year. Please consider becoming a Prayer Partner today.


Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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