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Let’s Be Politically Incorrect

By October 20, 2015Uncategorized

A few weeks ago First Priority held its National Fall Conference. Amber Johansen, Executive Director of First Priority Tampa Bay, made a statement in her talk. She said “Broken students don’t wake up and try to destroy our culture, they are just acting out what is inside.” Well said. I believe we have a whole generation of students that are hurting and hopeless. Some are angry, some are confused, some are just trying to fit in or be accepted by a certain group. We are all like the old song the Rolling Stones song that says we are “looking for satisfaction.” The very first commandment of the 10 given to Moses said, “Have no other gods before me”. The reason for this is because if anything could satisfy your desires more than God, we would have no need for God. He created us all to know Him. We all need Him, including those “damaged” kids that are acting out in anger, confusion and hurt.

2 Peter 3:9Common English Bible (CEB) 9 The Lord isn’t slow to keep his promise, as some think of slowness, but he is patient toward you, not wanting anyone to perish but all to change their hearts and lives.

God’s desire is for all to know Him, that means the most messed up, broken person you know God loves and wants to give them real life. There is HOPE. Christian students walk the halls of their schools with hundreds of these hurting and broken people. These hurting and broken people are looking for hope and peace. We have the answer and it has been working for thousands of years. We must reach them with this message of HOPE. Today it might not be a politicly correct answer, but the HOPE and change that needs to happen is found ONLY in Jesus!
Lets be politicly incorrect and proclaim the name of Jesus to the broken and the hurting. When we do, God WILL change the culture one damaged kid at a time. Will you reach outside of your comfortable, politically correct bubble and touch one of these kids. First Priority makes it possible!

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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