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Leave It

By April 4, 2016Uncategorized

Peter began to say to Him, “See, we have left all and followed You.” —Mark 10:28

What does it really mean to follow Jesus? Peter and the other disciples really did leave it all. I mean they had professions, family, probably a nice life.  Then all of a sudden they meet Jesus and just surrendered it all. I heard an interesting thing about the word “surrender”. Back in the days of the Old Testament when an army would surrender, this was the way it would happen. The “shield bearers” stood around the armies and carried shields that where 6 foot high and 4 foot wide. They would line up next to each other and push over their shields. This indicated to the other army that they surrender. I think what it means to follow Jesus is to push over my shield. To totally trust that Jesus has my best interest in mind. I do not have to put up walls around my life that keep Jesus out. I want Him in because He loves me more than I love myself.

Keep Fishing,

Mark Roberts

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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