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How we can turn Hopelessness into Hope for our Students

Anxiety and hopelessness crawl across our school campuses in America like a stalking predator. In certain urban environments, students spend their nights with other homeless teens under bridges and then attend school the next day. Why now, more than ever, are young people committing suicide and running away? Hopelessness.


Life can feel out of control. Every day, we hear of hate groups rising to power, wars and the threat of war, and natural disasters leaving wreckage in their wake. Add to these the timeless yet ever-present threats of joblessness, debt, illness, and other personal circumstances, and it’s no wonder anxiety is on the rise. With the absence of responsible parenting and access to everything under the sun, students need Jesus now. Often, when teens feel anxious about something, their initial reaction is to cry out to God, asking Him to fix their situation. But they ask, “What if He doesn’t? What if God doesn’t listen?”

First Priority is an answer for troubled teens that have a gap in their upbringing and connection to anything about Jesus the Messiah. Without First Priority, many students will drift into oblivion to a tragic ending. This powerful Gospel-sharing solution for our nation’s teens, First Priority, needs help. We need concerned parents and pastors to serve with us in this cause. We need funding. In these times, any sacrificial gift you can make to the national budget, can help a teen have the hope of the Gospel at school.

Nancy and I are honored to serve with you,

Rick Forbus, PhD
President and CEO
First Priority of America

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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