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How long does it take to start First Priority?

By October 24, 2013Nehemiah

We get asked this question all the time. Another comment people make is, “I am sorry that this is taking so long.” My response, “Don’t worry about it.” Why? Because of a core value that we hold found in the story of Nehemiah. Here it is: This is about who you are before it is about what you do.

Nehemiah 1:1, “Now it happened in the month of Chislev, in the twentieth year.” The month of Chislev is around the March/April time of year. Now check out Nehemiah 2:1, “In the month of Nisan, in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes, when wine was before him, I took up the wine and gave it to the king. Now I had not been sad in his presence.” The month of Nisan is around December. WHAT? That’s eight months! That’s eight months of not doing ANYTHING! The only things we know that Nehemiah did between April and December of that year were praying, fasting, mourning, and doing his job as cupbearer to the king. Well, he did his job as cupbearer until December when he was sad. Do you realize what being sad in front of the king meant for him? It meant that Nehemiah was no longer doing his job. Anyone who was not happy before the king could be put to death. The king had absolute authority. If he didn’t like how you were acting, he could put to you death for no more reason than being sad in front of him. So why was Nehemiah willing to be sad in front of the king? Because he was more concerned and burdened about the condition of the walls of Jerusalem than he was about preserving his own life! Now that is a burden!

So, how long does it take to start First Priority?

  1. It takes burden for the condition of the schools in your community.
  2. However long it takes for you to get there.

I just talked to our Director of Communications, Brandon, yesterday about this very issue. On one hand, within 2 to 6 weeks someone could have a team of people from 3 to 5 churches in the room ready to start something. On the other hand, we get calls from people 2 to 3 years after their initial point of contact saying they have to get First Priority going; the time is now right for them.

How long is it going to take you? That is between you and God and the holy discontent rising up in your soul.

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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