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How 1 Student Changed the Life of Another!

It’s amazing to hear story after story of students lives being transformed. Here is a powerful one that we wanted to share.


Hannah is an 8th grader. Last year, Hannah learned to share the Romans Road. In August of this year, Susie came up to Hannah in PE class and asked “why are you different, like why are you weird?” Hannah told Susie her story and Susie responded “I want that”. Hannah shared the Romans Road and Susie accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Fast forward to November and it is Engage week. Susie is a leader now and opens up club with prayer, Allyson shares her story and Hannah leads with (you guessed it) The Romans Road. When the invitation is given 41 students respond and are Saved by the Blood of the Lamb. What a picture of what First Priority is about, students on mission everyday, everywhere, even PE class. Praise God for what He is doing and has already done.

Casey Jones
Executive Director
FP North Alabama

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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