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Hit Your Target Today!

By June 18, 2013Nehemiah

In May of 2013, I took the class to be able to carry a concealed weapon.  One of the things they asked is, “What percentage of the time does a highly trained cop, someone who spends their life at a shooting range practicing, hit their intended target in that real life gun fight?”  We all guessed wrong.  A highly trained cop will only hit the bad guy in a real life situation 18% of the time.  There are several reasons for this statistic.  Physically, in an adrenaline situation, the blood gets pulled from our extremities and pools in our core to save the internal organs in the event that one would get hit.  Mentally, we get tunnel vision.  This is a good thing because we are focused on our target.  It is also a bad thing because we lose touch with our surroundings.

We are walking down the road of the minority ruling the nation.  The majority still believe in Jesus, but  it will soon become illegal to share that relationship in public.  Especially in school, a government setting.  What will it be like for students to share the gospel at school? Especially if they haven’t been in that situation already?  We need to help them create that environment at school now while we still can.  It is easier to do something for the first time together.  Let’s help students reach students at school by creating a Christian environment where they invite non-believers to hear that God loves them and wants to have a relationship with them.  There is no better time than the present.  Even though school is out for the summer, there is no better opportunity to lay the groundwork of adult support so students can hit the ground running this fall.

To get trained on how to share First Priority in your community, email Brandon Starnes at

To schedule an Initiation Team training, email Brad Schelling at

Brad Schelling

Director of Expansion, FPOA

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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