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God In Me

By April 25, 2016Uncategorized

If you are a new Christian you are now a follower of Jesus. If that is the case, not only have you made the greatest decision you will ever make, but the most life changing one as well. In the book of John in the New Testament Jesus tells a man name Nicodemus that he must be born again: spiritually. We can not be physically born again, but we can be born again on the inside by asking Jesus to forgive us of our sin and inviting him to be the Savior and Lord of our life. When we do this God’s Spirit dwells in us and we begin to change from the inside out. The evidence of His presence starts to show immediately; in our mind and heart. (When I say heart I mean totality of my being, who I am when I am alone with my thoughts.) Our physical bodies (what the Bible calls the old flesh) will still sin. However, now the difference is the Spirit of God inside lets me know quickly that it was wrong. The other evidence for me is a peace inside that is always with me. Jesus said He was the Great Shepherd and His sheep hear His voice. The more you and I get to know God the more we will recognize his voice.

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Keep Fishing,

Mark Roberts

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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