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Gathered in Prayer

By April 20, 2017Uncategorized

If you have spent any amount of time around First Priority, you know that we still believe the Local Church is the hope of the world! Our call as a ministry is to wave that banner high in Middle Tennessee and unite the local churches in a community to Pray, Participate and Provide for a gospel movement on their school campus.

So far this school year we have seen over 2,500 adults and students gather on their campus to Pray for the school year ahead. On these 130 school campuses we heard parents cry out for safety on their child’s campus. We heard students standing in the gap not only for their peers, but also for their teachers and principals. Most of all we heard the Church unite in one voice and ask Jesus to reveal himself to many this school year.

These times of prayer have been crucial as our team leads HOPE campus trainings across 7 counties in Middle Tennessee. To our great joy, close to 500 student and adult leaders are gathering so they can Participate in this gospel movement at their school. Whether you are a teacher serving as the FAC Sponsor to keep the schools FP Club legal, or you are the Campus Coach who is equipping the students to lead their club each week, we are so honored by your participation this school year.

Steve Cherrico, FP Nashville
Executive Director

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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