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Faculty eupdate 1/13 New Year Same Goal!

By January 16, 2013Faculty Sponsors

New Year Same Goal!

We are well into the New Year and all our goals are set. As we look into the New Year of 2013, we are thankful for the past but eager for the future. This past year, First Priority of America saw 9911 students across the nation put their hope in Christ. Praise God! We are so thankful for our faculty sponsors; you play a vital role in making First Priority happen.  In this edition, hear what First Priority means to a faculty sponsor at a Priceville middle and high schoo



These are the faculty volunteers that open their rooms and the doors of the school for the club to hold their meetings. At the school, they are the people who help the players stay in line with the rules of the local district and state. At the monthly leadership meeting, they are the ones guiding and showing wisdom to navigate the school as only someone on the ‘inside’ can do. They do not participate in the game, even though they are right in the middle of it.




First Priority is a priceless activity to have at school.  There are other organizations and clubs that focus on God, but First Priority focuses on evangelizing and witnessing in the halls and bringing lost people to Jesus.  First Priority is an avenue to allow these kids who have given their lives to Christ to reach out and lead their classmates to Jesus.  From a teacher’s perspective, I have seen some students’ behavior change because of the power of God working through First Priority.  There is one student who invited Jesus into his heart and now he is bringing his brother to the meetings with him. That is what it is all about.  It is motivating to see students arrive at school early and sacrifice their time to stand up for God.  God gave us Jesus as a sacrifice and to see these students swallow their pride and stand up for Him here at school is amazing.  I wish First Priority would have been at my high school during my high school years.  I believe it would have made a difference in my life.  As a teacher, we hear a lot about how bad this generation is, but this generation is also amazing.  From the words of Mark Cahill in his book about evangelizing and witnessing, One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven, “If you’re not fishing, you’re not following,” summing up First Priority.  As a teacher, I am blessed to be at a school that allows First Priority to be active.


Joshua Sawyer

Priceville High

Gal. 2:20


Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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