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Foundation Scripture

“Let’s hold firmly to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” ~Hebrews 10:23

SAY: “Welcome to First Priority! Last week, we talked about 5 promises that God gives us. We know that God gives us many promises and he always keeps His promises. This week, we want to talk about sharing those promises with others when we share our faith.

let’s begin with a time of prayer…”


SAY: “Let’s review the five promises we talked about last week and where we can find them in the Bible.

You may want to ask the students if they can recall any of the promises from last week. Give them an opportunity to list all five.

SAY: “We know from this semester that sharing our stories with others and sharing the Gospel is how we can expand the kingdom of Heaven. We want to share the good news with everyone around us so they can know and follow God to find eternal peace and hope in this life and the next. Today, we want to talk about God’s promises and how we can share them with others so they can know and follow God.”

SAY: “Promises are statements that we make to someone that we intend to keep no matter what. Sometimes our earthly promises get broken for different reasons but we can find comfort in knowing that God always keeps His promises.”

Let’s talk about promises.

  • Have you ever had someone promise you something and not keep it? How did this feel? Why did you feel that way?
  • Why do we make promises in our lives? What is the importance of a promise?
  • Why is it important that God makes promises and to know that He is a promise keeper?
  • Has God ever made a promise in your life and then fulfilled it? (It can be one or all of the five we have been talking about) Feel free to share about it!

SAY: “One of the ways we can share the Gospel with others is by sharing how God has worked in our lives. We have used the “My Faith Story” sheet this semester and today we want to take a look again at this tool to see how we can share God’s promises. If you aren’t familiar with this tool, we will review it for you.

(Go over my Faith Story sheet.)

If you have used the “My Faith Story” sheet before, you will notice the words have changed slightly. This week, we will look at how we can use God’s promises to tell our story. As you work on writing out your story, here are a few things to also be thinking about in light of talking about God’s promises…

  • How do we know God keeps His promises?
  • Can you recall or talk about a way you have watched God keep His promise?


If you are planning an end-of-the-year event, it is always beneficial to plan it during Invite Week. If you haven’t had time to plan something, don’t worry! There are plenty of last- minute things you can do. Just be sure to include your Club Coach in whatever you decide!

Few last minute ideas…

  • Bring a fun snack
  • Plan a game (maybe summer-themed)
  • First Priority Trivia (use Kahoot to review this year)

SAY: “As you finish up writing and thinking through your story, we want to encourage you to be thinking and praying about ways and opportunities to be able to share your story with others. We can pray and ask for peace within us to share what God has done for us. If you feel called to share your story with First Priority during club, we would love for you to come talk to one of the leaders!

Before we leave today, there will be a leader passing out invite cards. We encourage everyone to take a few cards and invite at least one friend!

Let’s end today with prayer…”


NOTE: THE MY FAITH STORY GUIDE IS DIFFERENT THIS WEEK! Be sure to print out the “My Faith Story” sheet that is given after this guide for the correct version.

Have a student leader ready to pass out invite cards at the end of the meeting or at the door as they leave.

Have any students who want to share their salvation story write it down first and let your Club Coach look over it before they share it next week.

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