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Foundation Scripture

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” ~Matthew 28:19-20

SAY: “Welcome to First Priority! This is Prepare Week of Month 7 where we are learning about Evangelism. We are so thankful you’re here today. Before we get started, let’s pray…”


SAY: “Last week, we talked about what Evangelism is and why we are called to spread the Gospel. This semester, each Prepare Week, we have worked on our stories and developed them in different ways to prepare us to share them with others. When we share our personal stories and how God has changed our lives, we are spreading the Gospel! This week especially, we want to take the time to work on and practice our stories. In just a bit, we will actually have a time where we will get to put together everything we have been learning and practice our stories out loud to a few friends!

Remember, your story doesn’t have to be finished or perfect to make an impact on someone else. And the most important part is that your story is about what Jesus has done or is doing in your life! Let’s pray together before we begin to prepare and practice sharing…”

Example prayer below. Feel free to pray your own if you’d like!

SAY: “God, I pray that you would remind us that we are all sinners saved by grace through what Jesus did on the Cross. Thank You for every story that is going to be shared in this room. I pray that you would give us courage and strength and focus as we tell each other about what You have done. We ask that you would use our stories so that many people would begin following Jesus and that we would give you all the glory for it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

SAY: For the rest of our time today, we are going to break off into groups of 2 or 3 to practice sharing our stories. If you are new this week, or maybe you haven’t gotten a chance to prepare your story, that’s okay! We have something called the “My Faith Story” sheet that can give you a head start.

(Click here for the My Faith Story Sheet)

(Give time for students to break up into small groups. it would be beneficial to have a few Student Leaders available to go to different groups and help them out where needed.)

Stories are powerful. The Bible is FULL of stories of people whose lives were completely changed by following Jesus. We hope that you will continue to trust that God will use your story to reveal Himself to others. There are parts of your story that are over and there are parts that you don’t even know about yet. That is exciting! God is never done working in our lives and using us to spread the Gospel.”

If you have lots of new students, we recommend going over the “My Faith Story” sheet again with the whole group or just the few that need it.

SAY: “If you want to talk to a leader or if you have any questions about your story, Jesus, the Gospel, feel free to come talk to a leader or our Club Coach. We are here for you!”

There are so many ways to tell others about Jesus but we hope that this month has made you more confident in your own story. Next week is Invite Week, if you feel called to share your story at club, please come see one of the leaders. We would love to talk to you about it! Don’t forget to grab a few invite cards on your way out and as always we challenge you to invite at least one friend! Let’s end today’s meeting with prayer…”


Have a student leader ready to pass out invite cards at the end of the meeting or at the door as they leave.

Have any students who want to share their salvation story write it down first and let your Club Coach look over it before they share it next week.

DON’T FORGET!! As Easter approaches, try to encourage students to be inviting as many friends as they can to Invite Week!

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