Foundation Scripture
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” ~Matthew 28:19-20
SAY: “Welcome to First Priority! We can’t believe how fast this year has gone. We are on Month 7 of First Priority – Evangelism (which is the whole reason we are here). Before we get started, let’s open in prayer…”
SAY: “During our time together this year, we’ve learned about some really important foundational pieces of following Jesus – the Bible, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Prayer, Church & Spiritual Gifts. Those have hopefully helped all of us understand some of the important parts of Christianity and have prepared us for this last month – Evangelism!
So, what is Evangelism? The easiest way to define it is “telling people about the Gospel of Jesus.”
Let’s watch a short video on the “Gospel” to help us better understand the Gospel and Evangelism.”
SAY: “Let’s talk a little bit about what we just watched. (Open discussion for large or small groups).
Here are some questions for us to discuss:
- What is the Gospel of Jesus?
- What is Evangelism?
- Why do we have to know the Gospel first before we can evangelize?
- How has your life been changed by the Gospel? Or has it?
(If your Club did small groups, ask a few students to share their answers once they are done discussing. If it was a large group, have a leader summarize the answers for everyone).
That is why the Gospel is called the Good News! Because it is GOOD NEWS that Jesus Christ has the power to save all of those who turn from sin and follow Him. Sin is anything that God asks us not to do or that separates us from Him. We know from Romans 3:23, “ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” That is why we need a Savior. Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice so that we can have a relationship with Him forever. That sounds like Good News to me!
It is important that if we consider ourselves Christians, we have a personal relationship with Jesus. If you don’t know Jesus as your Savior or if you just have questions, talk to a Student Leader or our Club Coach. Following Jesus is the best decision they’ve ever made and they would love to tell you more about it.”
SAY: “We are so happy you all came to First Priority this week. We hope you have a better understanding of what the Gospel actually is and how you can follow Jesus.
Before you leave, a Student Leader will be passing out prayer cards. These cards are a chance for you to write down the names of people you are committed to praying for!
Next week, we will begin working on our testimonies to help us share the Gospel with our friends, family, and community. Let’s pray.”
Have a Student Leader ready to pass out prayer cards. This month is the perfect month to share the Gospel every week in your club and to ask if anyone wants to begin a relationship with Jesus!
As you approach Easter, be sure to push Invite Week! This is a great time to get students involved and find a local church!