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Foundation Scripture

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” ~Hebrews 10:24-25

SAY: “Welcome to First Priority! We are so glad you are here for the start of a new month. This month our focus is going to be on the big “C”: Church and Spiritual Gifts. Let’s open in prayer…”


SAY: “This week, our focus is on helping each other understand and believe what God’s design is for the Church.

Let’s start with an opening scenario and discuss what we think about it as a group. Imagine a large table set for 20 guests where everyone is asked to contribute a dish to the meal. Whatever is served at the table will be the result of each guest’s generosity or selfishness. Would you try to bring your best dish or throw something together last minute that you’re not very proud of?”

(Open for large discussion).

Talking about church can be a difficult conversation to have when there are differing beliefs and denominations. Be sure to stay grounded and focused on encouraging students to connect to a community of believers instead of one particular church or another.

SAY: “Okay, now let’s try to compare that example and discussion to the Church. It is important to understand that we are talking about the big “C”: Church, which is a collective group of people who belong to God. Church, as the Bible teaches, is much more than a place we gather on Sundays – it is more like a family.

Acts 20:28 “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.”

  • This tells us that Jesus purchased the Church, or our family, with His own blood when He died on the Cross.

Another verse in the Bible says that we become members of the Church by being “called” into the body.

Colossians 3:15 says “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”

Lets read from 1st Corinthians 12:14-28 about the importance of having each part of the church family.

(Read passage then prepare for discussion time)

WOW! What a cool thing that God has specifically created us with all our own unique purposes like he created the body. Knowing that we all have our own purpose within the people of God is so cool!

We will talk more next week about these unique purposes called Spiritual Gifts that God has given us. For the rest of our time today, let’s enter into a discussion about the Church and the people of God.”

SAY: “Today, we really want to try to understand God’s design for the Church (family). So, let’s break out into small groups to discuss the following questions:

  1. What is the role of a family?
  2. Are all family members exactly alike?
  3. Do families always agree with each other and get along?
  4. What issues may arise in a family? (Close small groups)

Hopefully, you had some good discussion in your small groups to help us better understand the idea of a family and how they work together. I think we can all agree that families are really different, they do not always agree, and they are far from perfect. The same can be said of the Church or God’s family. The Church is really different, we do not always agree, and we are far from perfect. But, even with our differences and imperfections, God designed us to be better together.

To our earthly families, we may be connected by blood, friendship, love or some other special bond. For our Church family, we are all connected through Christ! It is Christ that keeps us together!”

Up next is a discussion of the Four, if you need to re-introduce this, feel free to give a brief overview of the four again before presenting this next information.


SAY: “Let’s talk about the FOUR and how the Church is important in the Gospel story. The second icon, the division sign represents sin that divides us from God. If you have been coming for the last few months you might remember that it is Jesus’s sacrifice that breaks away that separation and division. It is through Him that we are connected to God. But we aren’t walking this alone! We have a family of other believers in Christ, the church! When we gather with other believers, we are strengthening our relationship with God. Looking at the last icon of the four, the question mark. Will you choose to follow Jesus? Choosing to follow Jesus is like being adopted into your new family. Isn’t that cool? Once we were all sinners until Christ bought our freedom with his blood and we are adopted into this family of believers!

The important thing to remember is that the Church is not a building or a name, it is a group of people who believe and belong to God. What makes people a church is that we are all in a relationship with Jesus together. In that relationship, we are all forgiven and working on how to be light in a dark world. Let’s have one more discussion about this.

  • How does the idea of the church, as a place where people can have a relationship with Jesus, compare to how many people think about the church as a bunch of perfect people?
  • What are some descriptions of church you have heard from friends, in a movie, or on social media? How does that compare to what a church (group of believers) actually is?
  • How can we help the world to see the church for what it is meant to be? A spiritual hospital for those who are hurting and working on their walk with Jesus.

SAY: “We will take a closer look at how we, the Church, are better together next week!

There will be a Student leader passing out prayer cards, If you are new this week, these cards are for you to write down names of poeple you feel called to pray for. You may have one already, it is good to take it out and pray now. We encourage us all to be in prayer for our friends.
Let’s close in prayer…”


Have a student leader ready to pass out prayer cards.

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