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Foundation Scripture

“Let’s hold firmly to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” ~Hebrews 10:23

SAY: “Welcome to First Priority! This is our last week of talking about God’s promises. All month, we have been talking about when God makes a promise, He is going to keep it. There are many promises that God makes to us in the Bible. This week, we are going to be talking about how we can connect to God and a community of believers so we can be more in tune with the promises he makes us.”


SAY: “God wants us to be in a relationship with Him. This is why He promises us eternal life, peace, victory, forgiveness, and a Savior! All these promises are meant for everyone! We are all His creation and we are all given these promises. However, we must have a relationship with Him to know and accept these promises into our lives! Think about it like this, imagine your friend promises to bake you a cake but any time they ask to bring it over you completely ignore them. You probably won’t get the cake, right? It is just the same with God. God wants to talk to us and have a relationship with us so that he can fulfill His promise in our lives! But we have to allow Him into our lives so He can. ”

SAY: “We can connect to God by praying and reading our Bible. If you recall, these 5 promises we have been talking about aren’t the only promises that God makes! He actually makes many more promises within the Bible, we just have to read and study it to find out!

In the Bible, God says that He is knocking on the door of each of our hearts. God is actively pursuing each one of us. But for Him to come in, we must open the door.

Revelation 3:20 says “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

God promises to be with us if we let Him into our lives. all we have to do is open the door.”

SAY: “For the rest of our time today, we are going to talk about how we can let God into our lives and nurture our relationship with Him.

  • What are ways that God tries to speak to us?
  • Have you ever felt God trying to speak to you?
  • Why is it important that we have a relationship with God?
  • How do we let God into our lives? (or in other words, how do we open the door?)

“One way God can speak to us is through other Godly people in our lives. Just as it is important to let Him into our lives by having a relationship with Him, it is also important to connect to other believers so together, we can draw closer to Him. When we surround ourselves with other believers, we are growing in our relationship and faith which can make God’s voice louder in our lives. There are many ways we can surround ourselves with other believers like going to church, coming to Club, and hanging out with other Christians. We encourage every one of you to find a way that you can connect with other believers so you can make God’s voice louder in your life!”

Say: “First Priority Club is such a great way to connect with other believers and we are so glad that every one of you joined us this year! If you have any questions about getting connected to a church or a community of believers, or maybe you are interested in being more connected to the Club, please come find any of the leaders and we would love to talk with you! We hope you all have a wonderful summer break, and we will see you all in the Fall! Let’s end today’s club in prayer…”


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