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First Priority of America hires David North as the TN1 District Director

By May 18, 2022September 13th, 2022First Priority Of America

First Priority of America, a 501c3 nonprofit ministry focused on empowering students to reach their friends with the HOPE of Christ, announced today that the ministry has hired Morristown, Tennessee resident David North as the District Director for the Tennessee 1 Region. The Tennessee 1 Region of First Priority of America mirrors the First Congressional District of Tennessee.

“We are extremely excited to be adding David North as the new Director of the Tennessee 1 Region,” said President of First Priority of America Mark Robbins. “David brings with him a wealth of both business knowledge, nonprofit experience, and most importantly, a passion to see students hear about the gospel from fellow students. ”

North grew up in the mountains of East Tennessee, where he met and married his wife, Julie. They have been married for 28 years and have three children. He has spent the last 21 years working in medical sales, where he has won performance awards with several companies, including Forest Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson, and Medtronic. In 2020, North formed his own company Moriah Medical, a medical device distribution company with a focus on providing minimally invasive therapies for the treatment of chronic pain.

He has been involved in various ministries inside and outside of the church walls. He served as a youth leader, deacon, Sunday school teacher, worship leader, and orchestra member, led a Bible study for young men in his home. In addition to all of that he helped to found a Classical Christian school in 2006.

“I desire to see young people introduced to the saving grace of Jesus Christ and to cultivate a deeper walk with their Savior,” said North. “My wife and I have prayed about ministry for more than a decade and have served in numerous ministry capacities. Last year, I decided to close my medical business and sought God for the next steps in our life. We were praying for God to show us what we were supposed to do in ministry and to open a door for us. I began to enter in a combination of words searching for a new opportunity that combined my business skills, fundraising skills, and passion for ministry. The first thing that popped up was the Tennessee 1 Director Position for First Priority of America. The job description combined all of my experience and passions for ministry. I was astonished and felt I needed to apply. I am excited to be able to use all the gifts and talents God has given me to reach more students.”

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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