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Church Leader Update 1-2013

By January 30, 2013Church Leaders


I believe there are students in your community who do not know Jesus. I also believe that many of them not only do not know Jesus, but have never heard the truth of the Gospel spoken to them. They have heard the name of Jesus used in vain and they have heard Jerry Seinfeld, Ray Romano, or Charlie Sheen make an off-handed church joke, but have they ever heard that God is Love (John 3:16; 10:10), that man is sinful (Romans 3:23; 6:23), that Jesus is God’s provision for man’s sin (Romans 5:8), and that when you receive Him, you experience a new birth (John 1:12)? I BET NOT!

This week, we want to highlight what First Priority means to youth pastors. Sometimes people ask us how we convince youth pastors who already have a full plate to take a campus for First Priority. The answer is simple. Once a youth pastor sees that First Priority is an avenue to extend their ministry beyond the walls of the church to the public school campus, they cannot wait to get involved. Instead of First Priority being another item on a “to-do” list, we become a tool for them to accomplish their ultimate goal… winning students to Christ and helping them find a life full of Him!

Phil Bixby, youth pastor at Trinity Church in Dade County, Florida, has seen the value in connecting the church to the campus and is recruiting his peers. He took Matt Shull, the new youth pastor at Words of Life Church in Miami, to several campuses to check out the ministry. Matt was so excited that he created a video clip to show his pastor and church. In just 3 campus visits, they saw 68 students come to Christ! .

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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