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Christmas Outreach

By December 5, 2013Nehemiah

Students find Jesus at Christmas?

I have family who were teachers of English as a second language, AKA missionaries, at a university in China a few years ago.  They were not allowed to share Jesus or Christianity with ANYONE!  If they were to do so, they risked being deported themselves and those they shared with, and their families, being imprisoned and beaten – even if they hadn’t actually converted.  The risks were great.  So they found [legal] ways to share.  As ESL teachers, they were allowed to talk about American culture.  What is more American than Christmas and Easter!?!  The school administration allowed this in the classroom.  Students in China found Christ through them sharing “American Culture”.  What opportunity would lie in your local middle and high school if there was an organized group of Christians ready to share their faith at Christmas?  Would the subject of Christmas be something that already has everyone at school’s attention?  I think so!  They may not believe, but they get days off for it so they love it.  What would happen if you took those Christian students and had them invite their non-believing friends to the school commons one day after school to watch the movie Elf, eat spaghetti with syrup, and talk about Christmas?  Would lives be changed?  Maybe.  Could lives be changed?  YES!  The sky is the limit on your creativity in how to make this happen.  But the first need is for a group of Christian students to get together and pray about who God would have them invite.  If your goal is life change, the program is the means to the end, not the end itself.  So, start in prayer for the lost, start talking to students about being a missionary at school this Christmas, and gather 3-5 other churches to get in on the action.  Time is limited and your youth budget may be already gone, but together life change can still happen in 2013.

Merry Christmas,

Want to do this but need to talk through it before getting started?  Give us a call:

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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