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Student Leaders

Student Testimony from Crystal River High School

By Local FP Communities, First Priority Of America, Student Leaders

Growing up in school talking about Jesus is hush, hush and frowned upon. So naturally, everyone was a little surprised when First Priority came about. I was very excited because once a week I got to sit and have lunch with people who shared my faith, listening to someone educated on it give a message. Now that the school year is through I can reflect on all the wonderful things First Priority has done for my school, my friends and me.

Everyone who knows me knows my passion for Christ via my opinionated mouth. So when it was time to head up stage to talk about Jesus in school none of my friends were surprised when I invited them. The courageous and daring went with me, the shy and self-conscious remained at the table. People came and went during the school year, some seeing First Priority as it was, a wonderful midday escape from public school life, others didn’t find it as beneficial and let the mockery of the remaining students as the curtains closed sway their decision. Regardless of what was whispered behind the closed curtain the First Priority students stuck together because we finally had something to show off and be proud of. We finally had something to drag our friends into.

Bringing people to Christ is an unspoken goal among all those who follow Him, so doing it as school was even cooler. I’ve met a lot of new people I normally wouldn’t get the chance to talk to, or even know follow Jesus. I’ve seen a plethora of my friends and fellow class mates come closer to Christ through First Priority. It means so much to me to be alongside them in their walk with Christ. The pastors and student leaders who take time out of their day to come to our school and preach to hungry teenagers are important to me just the same. I’m very thankful for these people and for the opportunity to bring my friends to know my Savior. I can’t wait for the years to come.

I hope it becomes popular among Citrus County students and we see that following Christ should indeed be our first priority.


Students Reach Students

By Student Leaders

We would like to introduce you to a student from Hartsville, SC. Cora reached out to us on Facebook. She is a student at Mayo High School for Math, Science, and Technology. Cora and about five other students have developed a passion to reach their school with the gospel.


Cora wrote, “These five students are in charge of First Priority at Mayo for the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 school years, along with one of the school’s science teachers, Mrs. Taylor. There are four sophomores and one junior. They are David Hellmig II, Kenny Hellmig (David’s brother), Alex Barber, Elizabeth Sturgeon, and me. As a First Priority Leader’s Squad (our unofficial team name), we are spending part of our winter break trying to plan and prepare for our upcoming event, Ignite. I am asking on behalf of the group for some assistance.


Matthew 5:16 and 1 Timothy 4:12,



We love the opportunity to help students reach students on their school campuses. We have reached back out to Cora and resourced them with the First Priority Strategy. We have begun a friendship and they are learning more each week on how to implement this strategy. Being a leader is hard but leaders are a must in making any change. If no one ever leads then nothing ever starts. We are so thankful for these student leaders in Hartsville, SC. We hope that you are encouraged by their efforts to reach your school for Christ.  Please pray for these students as they lead a First Priority movement in their school and community. Also pray for their Ignite event that is happening this March to help create momentum for First Priority.

How Much Love Would It Take? Testimonies…

By Student Leaders
These are just a few of the testimonies that flood our office each year…
Tampa FL – Aaron is a 16yr old 9th grader that spent 3 years in his middle school before the FP group at Madison MS reached out to him.  After making a decision for Christ, Aaron was very quiet about his decision, except when spending time with his campus coach Amber. Amber was able to help him plug into the local church and find the tutoring help he needed. After failing 8th grade for 5 semesters, Aaron’s last semester of 8th grade was a (get ready)… straight A’s report card.  Needless to say we have seen transformation in Aaron’s life, both in his spirit and the results of his new perspective on life.
Boaz AL – Tiffany graduated this summer.  As an incoming freshman in 2008 Tiffany was your very ordinary raised in a good Church, follower of Christ. Tiffany’s school had a FP group with 4 only students in it.  Hearing the FP call to be a greater influence on her school than her school was on her, she decided to start reaching out with Christ’s love. Over the next 4 years, the First Priority groups saw bunches of students make first time decisions for Christ and get plugged into local churches.  And she also saw the group grow to over 250 students each week by the time she graduated.  Tiffany used FP as her platform to unite the body of Christ at West End HS and leave a legacy.
Ft Lauderdale FL – Cameron is a student at Ft Lauderdale High School. We just learned that at their most recent Mission Week they had 225 students come to the event.  During the event they used media, give aways, and took advantage of the Christmas season to share the Christmas story.  As the team presenting finished their topic of Christ being the greatest gift, 50 students made decisions to receive the free gift of Jesus for the first time.  It was awesome.
If you have a FP story to share, you can report it at