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First Priority Of America

Aliens at School

By First Priority Of America, Northeast TN

This blog was written by David North

A First Priority club volunteer recently told me that his daughter has been ostracized and bullied at school because of her Faith. She doesn’t want to attend school anymore because of the treatment she endures from classmates.

Her story is a sobering reminder that this world isn’t friendly to followers of Christ. In John 15:18-20 and 1 John 3:13, Jesus warned us about this kind of thing and said not to be surprised by it. But somehow, we still are. “Be kind to people and they will be kind to you.” Right? Wrong…way wrong. We have an Enemy in this world and he inspires this kind of inexplicable hatred we see toward those who follow Jesus.

So what comfort or helpful advice can we offer to a student who is dealing with a situation like this?

  1. Tell them that their identity and value comes from Jesus and NOT from others. (check out Jamie Winship’s talks on youtube to learn more about IDENTITY)
  2. Remind them that when they are mistreated because of their faith in Jesus there is a great reward for them in heaven. (Matthew 5:11-12)
  3. Encourage them to join/start a First Priority club in their school. The friendship and encouragement a student can get from meeting with like minded followers of Jesus at their school is an available grace that every student should take advantage of.
  4. Lastly, remind students that being mistreated and left out because of their Faith is evidence that they belong to Jesus! We are aliens and strangers in this world system. We aren’t home yet!

Will you partner with us to start more First Priority clubs in Northeast Tennessee? Haley, Austin, and I could sure use your help! We’d like to get the funding and volunteers in place now that will allow us to serve more students and get us to our goal of 50 Schools by the end of this school year. Please consider volunteering or financially partnering with us to help make it happen. May God richly bless you!

David North
NETN District Director

A Podcast Conversation with Special Guest Debi Deboer

By Podcast, First Priority Of America

Last week, Brad Schelling and Steve Cherrico sat down on the First Priority Podcast with special guest Debi Deboer, Director of First Priority Alabama. Debi has been with First Priority for 26 years and had a wealth of knowledge, stories, and encouragement to share.

Debi likes to say that she “grew up” in First Priority, since she started volunteering at Oak Mountain Middle School 27 years ago and continues her ministry there to this day. Her excitement to witness multiple generations of First Priority is what can be only described as contagious.

The stories and statistics in Birmingham reflect her excitement, and are only growing day by day. With a 5-year plan to start 30 new campuses each year, First Priority Birmingham has 4 full-time staffers and are looking to hire more. One of the strongest aspects of the Birmingham network is the thousands of reports from each club, highlighting the individual stories of students and ultimately what God is doing within their community.

One of the biggest hurdles Debi’s campuses have experienced is mobilizing the church to invest in students. They have been able to overcome this obstacle by plugging in local churches through prayer lists. These lists contain meeting times of each club so that the congregation can pray before and during club meetings. Another way Debi has mobilized the church is through utilizing local college students and plugging them in with local First Priority Clubs. 

Debi’s heart for First Priority clubs lacks no passion or excitement, and she encourages us all to be excited for what is to come!

Listen to the podcast today to hear more about Debi’s passion to bring the hope of Christ to every student!

This blog was written by Hannah Blackburn. 

Qualities of a Shepherd

By First Priority Of America, Leadership Development, Podcast

Mark Robbins spoke at our 2023 Fall Conference in October. His talk followed the conference theme, shepherding. As you read the thoughtful things Mark spoke about, open your mind to ways that you can better shepherd your flock. John 10:14-15 “I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep.”

When you are a shepherd, you need skills to be able to lead your flock. You have to make tough decisions. Go with your instinct, only you and God know what is best for your flock. Rely on the Holy Spirit to help make these decisions. Be willing to do the hard work, humbling yourself and being able to open your mind to learn new things. As a shepherd, it is important to put your ego aside and humble yourself for your community.

Endurance is a key quality of a shepherd. Some days it feels as if you cannot keep going, but rely on your shepherd, God, to lead you to water and rest to continue shepherding your flock. If God has called you, you can’t quit! You are meant to be shepherding and leading your flock. Don’t deny the things the Lord has brought you to do.

Start observing your clubs and getting to know them fully. Engage with them, keeping your eyes and ears open. Notice the condition your sheep are in. But most importantly, keep them safe! Make sure your flock all feel as if they have value, from volunteers, campus coaches, to students!

The best way to learn how to be a good shepherd is learning from God himself. In Psalm 23, the passage describes ways that the Lord is our perfect shepherd. He has given us the ability to be an example of Him, and we get to shepherd those around us and involved in our lives. Bring your flock peace, protection, and lead them to the table that God has set for us.

If you would like to hear more on what Mark Robbins said about being a shepherd, click the link here.

This blog was written by Kenley Kizer

What Defines a Mission Field

By First Priority Of America, FP Success Story

What defines a mission field? As a missionary serving the people of Puerto Rico, it can be easy for me to simply say that my mission field aligns with my job. After all, my task is to meet physical needs while sharing the message of redemption available in Jesus. However, I feel the need to press into that question more deeply. To define the idea of a mission field is ultimately to understand that God has purposefully placed every Christian in unique and specific locations. Whether school, life, work, or recreation brings us into communities and neighborhoods, a true analysis of a mission field reveals that all around us there is a world in desperate need of gospel transformation.

For me, long before God called me to serve in Puerto Rico, God sent me into Science Hill High School in Johnson City, Tennessee. As is the case for many kids in the Southeastern United States, I spent a significant amount of time in a church building. I was saved at ten, and I grew up hearing of how the sacrifice of Jesus was the ultimate gift of grace. I heard the gospel message every Sunday, and I was blessed with parents who lived this out at home and instilled in me the truth of the gospel.

In high school, I became familiar with First Priority. It was then that I began to see the damaging and detrimental effects of “cultural Christianity.” All around me, classmates who had grown up inside a physical church building were searching for something. They knew a lot about Jesus, but they were searching for a relationship with Jesus. That is where First Priority stepped in. Walking through the H.O.P.E. cycle every month both equipped me and gave me opportunities to share the message of Jesus and His gospel with my friends, classmates, and teammates.

Now, in serving vulnerable families and communities in poverty-stricken areas marred by the effects of economic crises, political instability, and natural disasters, the impact of First Priority in my life is still evident. First Priority helped me to see the pressing need of Jesus at Science Hill, and God used those four years to begin to prepare me for my next mission field, my college campus, and my current mission field in Puerto Rico. I do not view Puerto Rico as a mission field simply because of my job, but rather it is a mission field because, just like Science Hill, people in Puerto Rico are desperately in need of a relationship with Jesus. Whether in classrooms in Science Hill or a rural community in Puerto Rico, people are searching. In high school and today, my response to a searching population is the same – the life changing hope of Jesus.

Matthew Hembree
NAMB Journeyman – Puerto Rico

Shepherding the Flock

By First Priority Of America, Leadership Development, Podcast

Natalie Kenney spoke at this year’s Fall Conference. She spoke about the theme of the year, shepherding! Natalie was told that we are so busy shepherding, we forget that we are sheep. But if we are shepherding in a way to honor God, we are still his sheep and should smell like our flock!

1 Peter 5: 2-3 says, “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.”

To start shepherding, you must show up! Show up for your community and show up where they can see you. Whether that is a football game, choir concert, or helping your local youth groups. Find ways that you can show up in your community and where God wants you to be. When you’re in the community, it makes it easier to talk about First Priority. Never underestimate the power of showing up and how the Lord will reward you for doing so.

Another way is to start looking for volunteers outside of the church realm. It limits us when we only have pastors and youth pastors partnering with us. Find active and patient parents or family members. Though church leaders are great volunteers, local volunteers will be able to show up year after year! Natalie challenges her listeners to show up with First Priority gear and to be intentional about having a conversation. Does your community know that you are involved with First Priority?

People want to be surrounded by love. When people watch how you serve, lead others and love, they may want to serve alongside you! Loving people is showing your volunteers they have value. Through your actions and speech, show your volunteers what they mean to you through love.

Lastly, communication is key anywhere you are. Natalie asked, “Are you communicating with your volunteers weekly or weakly?” As an expert of First Priority in your city, it is important to communicate with your volunteers weekly! Communication will help you and your clubs to succeed. It can help you retain relationships with your volunteers. Train your volunteers by equipping them with what they need, so they have a desire to stay with you.

First Priority is a relational ministry. It is important to be more about the people than the program. We cannot do this by ourselves! Show up, recruit volunteers, and shepherd your flock.

This blog was written by Kenley Kizer

Fall Conference 2023

By Podcast, First Priority Of America, Events

This year’s fall conference was a blast! We saw so many of the amazing people that make up our First Priority community. To start us off, Justin Theroit welcomed us all to kick it off this year!

Matthew 18:20 “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am with them.”

At the Fall Conference, we gathered as believers and worshiped the Lord. We gathered in breakouts to learn and talk all things First Priority! When the body of Christ is together, we are more aware of the work He is doing in our lives and clubs. We are capable of learning new ways to serve our clubs and communities better. Whether that be through finding donors or learning how to work our new app.

Fall Conference was filled with fun too! Steve Cherrico and Stephen Summit set up this year’s First Priority Olympics. The games included a scavenger hunt, brain games, and even dodgeball!

We were able to take a tour of Black River Entertainment, and it was incredible. The tour was followed by a Hattie B’s dinner at The Well, where we heard Gordon Kerr give his personal testimony and his daughter Hannah perform.

To end the conference, we had a great Wednesday morning filled with more worship, another opportunity to join different breakouts, and hear one final take away from John Carruth! We are so thankful for all who joined us this year! If you didn’t get to make it to our Fall Conference, we hope to see you next time!

Stay tuned for our podcast to listen to some words from those who were with us at Fall Conference!

This blog was written by Kenley Kizer

The Fire From the Spirit

By Local FP Communities, First Priority Of America

Do you ever feel spiritually hungry and thirsty? You know, when you are constantly feeling the need to be in reverence to God. He works like that! God knows your needs and that you need to submit to Him. With God, you don’t go hungry or thirsty. He has given us the Bread of Life with His son, Jesus.

Phil Springer joined Steve Cherrico at the First Priority National Fall Conference this year on the podcast. He told listeners that the kids in his clubs are hungry to hear the gospel. His clubs are growing, and a recently-opened club had over a hundred students at their meeting! One student in particular is on fire for Jesus, he says, and it only takes one to spark a flame.

2 Timothy 1:6-7 “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”

When we seek Jesus when we are hungry, He sparks the fire in our heart only He can provide. The Spirit of God! He provides us with His Spirit that can give us power in our faith to continue spreading the Word.

Our campuses are our mission field. We must have a passion for our students to have an eternity to spend with Christ. Continue pouring into the students to help fan the flame that the Spirit of God has given them. We are here to gather to help the students grow.

Reminder! Don’t forget that chapter spring meeting dates are out! May 7-8 in Decatur, May 12-13 in Ft. Lauderdale, and for First Priority District Staff: May 22-23 in Nashville!

If you haven’t had the chance to listen to this podcast, click the link here to watch it.

This blog post was written by Kenley Kizer

The Three E’s

By First Priority Of America, Podcast

The Three E’s help Brad Schelling and Steve Cherrico tell their “Why” for the First Priority podcast. The podcast is a platform they use to be able to Encourage, Equip, and Empower.

Encouragement is the first E. We tell stories to encourage one another. Encouragement helps us to know that we are not alone in this movement. Steve Cherrico used an example of a leaking cup. Our cup will leak into others, but we also need people to leak into our cup. So the more we encourage, the more we also need encouragement. We weren’t meant to walk alone! Make sure you have the people in your life who will encourage you every step of the way, so you may also do that for one another.

The second E is Equip. We are here to equip volunteers, staff, and students. FP wants to bring in staff that can help equip one another to share around the country.

Empower is the final E. Once there is enough encouragement and equipment, it is time to activate empowerment. The First Amendment allows the students to be able to tell their peers about Jesus. We are here to empower students to go and share the gospel.

Jeremiah 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

Because everyone brings their own gifts to FP, it strengthens and betters us. We all have the ability to encourage, equip, and empower others in our community.

Listen to the podcast today to hear how Brad and Steve use the Three E’s:

This blog post was written by Kenley Kizer

Lots Happening!

By Local FP Communities, First Priority Of America

There is a lot happening so far this school year in Upper East Tennessee!

Clubs in 36 Schools
25 Decisions for Jesus
Multiple New Club Launches

Let’s have a look!

  • Sevier County Junior High has launched with over 50 in attendance at their first meeting. 7 Students made the decision to give their lives to Jesus! Thank you Dominic, Connor and Kelsea for all your hard work to get this off the ground!
  • Tri-Cities Area Coordinator, Haley Wherry launched clubs at Church Hill Middle and Happy Valley High!
  • Cosby Middle and Cocke Co. High School have also launched.

Thank you to Daryl Crum, our new Area Coordinator Austin Hall, FBC Pastor Rich, Providence Pastor Stephen Neal and so many more who’ve made it happen. Also, a student at Parrottsville Elementary gave their life to Jesus!

Will you help us continue to launch new clubs so that more students hear the Gospel?

It takes 3 things…

  1. Faithful Financial Partners
  2. Fervent Prayers
  3. Focused Volunteers

Ask God what he would have you do and then send me an email.

I would love to talk with you.


David North
District Director Upper East Tennessee
First Priority of America

Reaching God’s Children

By First Priority Of America, Podcast

Remember the first time you heard the Gospel? You probably felt a weight lift off of your shoulders or felt immense joy. The Good News can bring us all hope, whether we are already a believer or we’re just hearing it for the first time. We are called to live our lives in accordance with God’s will, but we are also called to testify to those who do not know Him.

Mark 13:10 states, “And the gospel must be preached to all nations.”

So what does it look like to share the Gospel? It is as simple as reaching out and telling someone about Jesus. You don’t need some elaborate plan to inform someone about what Jesus has done for you, and for them. When you have these little interactions, you are planting a seed for the Holy Spirit to come and work in their lives.

Think about the game of Telephone. And for those who do not know what that is, it is when a group of people gather in a circle and someone will whisper to a player a word or phrase. The word then gets passed through whispers all the way to the end of the circle. Sharing the Gospel can have the same effect. If we just tell one person about Jesus, they can go and share it with their friends or families. So let’s get out there and share the good news!

Shane and Natalie Kenney at First Priority of Permian Basin spoke at the First Priority San Antonio Luncheon. Both of them agreed that we need to reach students. It is time to start paving the way for students to be reached and know they are loved by God. To listen to more of what Shane and Natalie have to say, click the link to our podcast here.

This blog post was written by Kenley Kizer