Thank you letter from a student to her FP Director:
We are constantly thanking those who support First Priority financially and spiritually. This past week was engage week at my High School. We had the chance to welcome back a senior from last year that had been involved with the First Priority club here since 2015. With the lure of 6 pizzas we had over 30 people who came and heard the never-ending grace in his testimony.
I have been involved with First Priority since 2015 as well, and it was refreshing to not only hear how his testimony has changed and matured but also to see the number of students in our club grow. But more than that, our club has grown in connection, attention, maturity and conversation. This year, we have been able to hear people talk who have never shared before and have seen students come that we never thought would come to our club.
God is so good and works in ways we often don’t understand.
First Priority has been the spark in some students lives to help them be open and eager to further their knowledge in the Lord and they have come to know the Lord personally by joining a church. This year, we have seen things that this club was built on more than ever. Thank you so much to those who are praying for us and giving. Seeing students grow and come to know the Lord is not only a praise in their lives, but also has opened the eyes of our leaders and have helped them grow. The Bible says in Isaiah 6:8, a verse used quite often but is so true, “Send Me”. As a high school student, it’s hard to grasp that completely when we are stuck in Florida. But, we tend to miss the point of that verse. Everywhere on the planet is a battlefield and my school is our mission field.
As students, we have the chance to do something adults can’t do, which is to reach other students from the inside. This school year we have seen so much growth in every area and we can’t wait to see what lies ahead.
Thank you,
FP Student