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Thank you for your willingness and desire to coach students in leading their First Priority club! If you are in the Northeast TN, Kansas City, Fort Worth District, or Cincinnati District, please select the correct application. All others can apply through the general Campus Coach Application.

Please fill out the campus coach application and then return to fill out a background check. You will also be emailed a link to complete the child safety course.

You must complete all three steps to volunteer.

  1. Fill out the campus coach application
  2. Fill out the Background check application
  3. After the background check has been initiated, look in your email (possibly the junk folder) for the Child Safety course and complete with a score of at least 70%. This may take up to 5 days to be sent to your email so keep checking. 

If your district isn’t listed above or you don’t know which district you belong to, click on the general Campus Coach application below.

General Campus Coach Application