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Showers of Blessings in April

By Local FP Communities

Before diving into some April highlights, let me tell you a brief but true story of how the day sometimes goes working at First Priority.


  • First Priority guy ignores warning lights on his car dashboard, reasoning that they’re probably false alarms.


  • 6:15am – left house for 7:30am club meeting.
  • 6:45am – First Priority guy rethinks his theory about warning lights when car breaks down on the interstate.
  • 7:00am – Calls for tow truck and arranges transport with hopes of making an 11am club meeting.
  • 8:30am – Misses ZOOM call meeting trying to get a tow truck lined up.
  • 9:30am – Back up transportation arrives…but with a flat tire. Sheeesh.
  • 10:00am – The back up to the back up transportation arrives, but with an empty gas tank, seriously.
  • 10:05am – First Priority guy starts to wonder who doesn’t want him at these club meetings today.
  • 11:00am – First Priority guy arrives at 11am club to find record attendance but the speaker is sick and the Club Coach couldn’t make it either.
  • 11:05am – First Priority guy delivers on-the-spot Gospel message, realizes God gave him the illustrations he needed through the events of the morning, about not ignoring “warning lights” in your life.

Days like this can be a good reminder that God really does work all things together for good when we are committed to HIS purposes. Sometimes you just have to look for it a bit longer.

Now for the latest…

Chucky Doak HS had a record attendance meeting with 10 additional souls joining the normal FP crowd.

Sullivan Heights MS had a fantastic INVITE week with 12 salvations!

In Hawkins County over 100 students were introduced to the ministry of First Priority at a youth event called Fusion.

University High launches their club this month with the 8 trained students leading the way.

Little Milligan Elementary had two students respond to the Good News at their very first INVITE week while TA Duggar Intermediate followed up with two of their own.

We need your prayers. This is a critical time of year as we are identifying our student leaders and volunteers to carry on existing clubs and launch new ones for the upcoming school year.

That said, it takes resources to pull this off so please consider a monthly investment to First Priority as you review your giving priorities for the upcoming summer months.

Thank you for your faithfulness to this ministry!


David North

How’s Your Bracket Looking?

By Local FP Communities

It’s “March Madness”, where the truly fanatic college basketball fan tries to successfully navigate the gauntlet of predicting winners and losers to correctly choose who makes it to the championship. We do our own version of “Bracketology” when we navigate decisions on which ministries will be good “investments”.

More on that in a moment. But first, have a look at this short video clip from the movie “Chariots of Fire”, a true story about Olympic rivals and teammates Harold Abrahams and Eric Liddel. 

Notice Abrahams reaction to losing to Liddel in what would turn out to be the only race they would ever run against one another. It seems Abrahams wants a guarantee of the win before committing himself to the training again. Is that you? You’ve counted the cost, and given the high price, you want to know that the time, talent, or treasure you are considering putting into First Priority will be worth it, that the pay off will justify the investment. “Do I dare make the emotional investment in believing that there is hope for our schools?”

G. K. Chesterton wrote,

“The one taste of paradise on earth is to fight in a losing cause…and then not lose.”

NEWSFLASH – We are winning and WE WILL WIN!!! Guaranteed. How do I know?

“…thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.”                              – 1 Corinthians 15.57-58

And if God’s promises alone aren’t enough to keep you encouraged… then have a look at these little graces He has given us along the way through March.

So if you have committed, be encouraged and accept our gratitude. If you have yet to commit, I say, “Jump In!”. You’ll be glad you did. 


Did you know?

By First Priority Of America, Events

Did you know that we are offering two leadership scholarships this year to a deserving senior who exemplifies leadership in their First Priority Club! We are excited to offer this opportunity to help our student leaders continue to grow and lead as they seek the next step towards their futu

We are also looking forward to the annual Spring Meetings which will take place in two cities:

Nashville May 1-2

Tampa May 8-9

Spring Meetings are a chance for us to reflect on this year and look towards even greater things for the coming year.

God is on the move and it is evident in the stories that we witness and the growth in our club numbers so far this year.

One story, I want to share, comes from First Priority Permian Basin. They had their students create and share cardboard testimonies. Students shared how the love and support they received through their FP Club, helped them make the turn from broken to healed. Students were “not seen”, “felt like a nobody” before Jesus and now “feel loved”, “like a somebody”. Many found very concrete answers to heavy problems, a place to live; a set of parents. One student stated if all the stories told were true, she wants to get to know Jesus.

We are thankful for the willingness of student leaders who are sharing the Gospel with their peers.

In case you were wondering…

By Local FP Communities

What has First Priority been up to in February? Plenty!

In Cocke Co. we met with Mike Hensley, Director of Missions at the East Tennessee Baptist Association, along with a number of other folks from churches in the area, to plan our next move towards starting clubs in the remaining schools. Thank you to Cindy Davenport for jumping in as a Club Coach and helping Paula Huff out at Parrottsville Elementary.

In Hamblen Co., we met with several pastors, youth pastors, and potential investors to plan for First Priority launches this Fall or sooner! Westview Elementary has already been at it with Pastors John Rogers and Charlie Brewer leading the charge!

In Greene Co., Abel Carrico, Nick Cannon, Dan Jacobs, Ken Brewer, Jaq Castillo, Jimmy Jordan, and Justin Carson are swinging for the fences with 5 clubs up and running and plans to launch the remaining 5 Middle and High Schools well under way. First Baptist Church of Greeneville, hosted our monthly club coach meeting where we ate more pizza than I could pray over in good conscience.

In Hawkins Co., we had a standing room only club meeting at Rogersville Middle, with Luke Smith passing out cheddar rounds as students streamed in and offering free cholesterol tests afterwards.

In Sullivan Co., First Priority students at West Ridge and Tennessee High handed out Valentine’s Gospel cards and candy to over 1800 friends at their schools.

In Washington Co., Daniel Boone High’s First Priority club did some outside the box thinking and met during lunchtime, resulting in 3 times the normal attendance where one student was inspired to renew their commitment to Jesus.

In Carter Co. we launched clubs at Hampton Middle, Happy Valley High, Little Milligan Elementary, and T. A. Duggar Middle.

In Uncoi Co. the following churches have teamed up to launch First Priority:

  • North Ridge Community Church
  • First Christian Church
  • Calvary Baptist Church
  • Unicoi Christian Church

So what has this flurry of activity produced year to date?

Thank you for your continued investment in our work at First Priority! Lives are being transformed! To God be the Glory!

Will you prayerfully consider a monthly investment of $50, $100, or more toward our work at First Priority?

Your giving allows us to Take the Hope of Christ to Every Student by Uniting the Local Church to Start First Priority Clubs on Every Middle and High School Campus, so that Every Student Has the Opportunity to Hear the Gospel From a Friend.

TN-1 Give 


David North


By First Priority Of America

We have turned the corner of January and are nearing the end of the first full week of February. God is at work in so many little stories and in so many kids’ lives through their FP Clubs. It’s amazing to hear the stories of students reaching students with the hope of Jesus. Here is one story from a club in FP Lakeshore.

A 6th grader attended FP Club after being invited and reminded about the club through the school announcements. At the first club meeting in January, the student leaders wanted to share the story of Jesus birth as they had missed the opportunity due to a snow day in December. During a turn and talk to your neighbor time, the girl who was visiting said she was confused. She didn’t know that Jesus was born in a manger, she thought he was born in a crystal. The leader who was sitting at the table was able to share the truth with her. She’s been back at FP Club every week. It was a good reminder that even though we have a church on every corner, there are still those who have never heard the truth of Jesus.

Another beautiful story out of FP Permian Basin also involved a 6th grader. “One of the six graders wanted to be the host of their club that day, but was afraid because she had never prayed out loud before. Before I as a club mentor could say “hey, it’s OK I’ll help you pray,” another student who is in sixth grade, said “here, let me teach you!” God is so good!”

May we leave a legacy of love for Jesus that remains long after we are gone

By Local FP Communities, FP Success Story

by Rachel Gardiner, Executive Director

We have truly had a year of unprecedented growth here at FP Johnston County. From volunteers to clubs to student leaders we are blown away by how God continues to grow and provide for our ministry. To be honest with you, I wasn’t too sure what would happen as students returned to campus post-COVID. I, like many of you, felt nervous, unsure, but still hopeful. Yet, I had no clue what God had in mind for us.

The past two years for our team at FP Johnston County have been marked by prayer. We’ve added staff members, board members, two paid interns, and countless student leaders and volunteers. We’ve seen God build, tear down, re-build, and make new. He’s provided for us financially. He’s been faithful to give wisdom, clarity, unity, and encouragement. This is His work after all, not ours. We are building His Kingdom, not our own castles.

Through the growth and provision, I found myself leaning into God’s presence more than ever before. As we build, we must build upon His firm foundation and as we grow, we must be guided by His Spirit. We do not want to make one decision, one action without His authority and guidance.

Through this period of growth, I began to reflect on where we have come from and dream about where we can go. God has graciously allowed me to be a small part of this ministry for the past 4 years and it has been such a sweet season to be a part of the work He is doing. As I reflected and as I dreamed, I felt as if God gave us an “anthem” that would keep us faithfully grounded to our mission through it all:

This is our anthem. This is why we host training events. This is why we gather for prayer walks on campuses all across the county. This is why we equip, encourage, and disciple students. This is why we wake up early and get to bed late. This is why we send emails and write letters. This is why we raise money and gather for fellowship. This is why we don’t give up.

Our mission remains to see the hope of Christ in every student. Our goal for each aspect of ministry under that mission is to leave a legacy of love for Jesus that remains long after we are gone. I see generations and generations, their children and their children’s children, carrying a revival of the faith that we are a part of now. Long after our names are meaningless dust, may the work of our hands leave a legacy that boasts of the name of Jesus. Amen.

Look what God has done this school year!

By First Priority Of America

We are already two weeks in to a new year. It’s hard to believe that 2023 is upon us. We are excited to report what God has already done this school year and can’t wait to see how He moves this second half of the year. Since the start of the 2022/23 school year we have seen almost 30,000 students attending 732 FP Clubs. Almost 5000 students have begun a relationship with Jesus Christ and over 4200 student leaders have been trained. And that’s just since September. Please be in prayer that these numbers will continue to rise the remainder of this school year so that more and more students will find the Hope in Christ.  

What an exciting time to be a part of this ministry that is focused to see the hope of Christ in every student. A club mentor at a school in FP Permian Basin shares this: 

“First Priority has not only created an awesome opportunity for kids to hear the gospel it has helped grow my junior high and high school youth groups. It is so heart warming to see kids excited about Jesus! I know First Priority has blessed my church and I hope it has blessed other churches in our small town as well.”

If you are interested in partnering with us to take the hope of Christ to every student, there are many ways we need your help. You can become a prayer partner here. You can get involved in your local area to either spread the word about First Priority or get involved in supporting a local club. You can also partner with us financially by clicking the button below. Thanks for all you do and for caring about the future generation. 


What a start!

By Local FP Communities

What a start!  We wrapped up our first full week of clubs in the new year and we had 25 students put their faith in Jesus last week! What a way for these young people to start 2023 – new life in the new year!

Sometimes I think we forget the unbelievable privilege and responsibility we have as believers in Jesus. Paul sums it up in 2 Corinthians.

“…in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.” ~2 Corinthians 5:19-20

Wow! We have been handed the keys! We have the message of HOPE, FORGIVENESS, and FREEDOM!

Thank you for supporting the work we do at First Priority with your time, your treasure, and your prayers. We do not underestimate the value of those prayers – after all, this is a spiritual battle that we are in.

Keeping our eye on the prize…

The TN1 First Priority team

Have you written in the snow?

By Local FP Communities

Growing up in the South, a good snow was something of an anomaly. A couple of inches is all it would take to close schools early and bring the whole town to a halt. I can remember my younger brother and I rushing around the house frantically pulling winter clothes out of storage hoping the snow would still be there by the time we got back outside. In seconds, I would be dressed and out the door, usually wearing an oversized Eskimo coat handed down from a cousin in Montana, and two mittens that never seemed to match. Outside, the whole world lay sound asleep under a soft white blanket. It was magical!

But there was always a bit of sadness hovering over our winter wonderland, knowing that it would all be melted away in a day or two. After a couple of snowball fights and a few fledgling attempts at sledding, we would set ourselves to the task of resurrecting Frosty, always trying to beat last year’s record for longest surviving snowman. I left my legacy to the neighborhood with my seven-foot opus magnum that lasted two whole weeks!

I suppose there is a desire in all of us to leave something behind us that will last, something to show that we were there, and that it mattered. Over 120 years ago C.H. Spurgeon penned these words;

“Have I written in the snow? Will my life’s work endure the lapse of years and the fret of change? Has there been anything immortal in it, which will survive the speedy wreck of all sublunary things? The boys inscribe their names in capitals in the snow, and in the morning’s thaw the writing disappears; will it be so with my work, or will the characters which I have carved outlast the brazen tablets of history? Have I written in the snow?”

I want to sincerely say thank you to those who gave in November to First Priority and the work going on in Tennessee’s first district (TN1). Through your gifts we have trained over 500 students who have shared the Gospel with over 600 of their friends at school, resulting in 16 students putting their faith in Jesus! In addition, over 48 more indicated they wanted to talk to someone about Christ after the First Priority club meeting!

Dear friends, when you give to the work at First Priority, you are NOT writing in the snow. You are exchanging the currency of this world for an eternal reward. This December, please consider giving a gift that can change someone else’s story, for Eternity.  Your gifts are tax deductible and go directly to First Priority’s work in your area. Thank you for partnering with us!

Merry Christmas!                                                         Give

Aaron, David and Haley

The Battle of the Leaf Blowers

By Local FP Communities

Fall is my favorite season by a long shot. I love everything about it. Crisp mornings with striking blue skies, hot bowls of chili, hayrides, football, and to top it all off, the leaves are just gorgeous. It kind of makes me sad when I hear people complain about them. I love them. I know, I know, they clog gutters and kill grass and are a fire hazard etc., etc. 

But still, I sigh when I am forced to pile up my colorful little friends at the road and watch that vacuum truck suck up all my childhood memories. Those days of raking leaves into a huge pile just to dive in and mess it all up again were magical. Remember the rake? It ruled when I was kid, before the mighty leaf blower came to power. That’s when all the trouble began in my old neighborhood. 

I had recently won an electric leaf blower in a sales contest, so caving to the pressure, I headed for the back yard where maple and oak leaves lay a foot deep. A hedge separated my back yard from the street where curbside pick-up took place, so the challenge was getting the leaves through the gaps in the hedge and down to the road. But me and my new leaf blower were up for it. I blew leaves over, under, and through that hedge with gale force winds. An hour later, I was nearly finished.  And then I saw it, down at the other end of the yard, leaves were flying back up from the street, through the bushes in my direction!  “What new devilry could this be?”

Unable to see over or through the hedge, I shut off my electric leaf blower to investigate. The deafening roar coming from the other side of the hedge left no doubt about the nature of my foe. I snuck to the end of the hedge row and peered around to discover my neighbor with a gas-powered, hurricane-force leaf blower! My electric blower was no match for this Balrog of leaf blowers, mercilessly blasting the leaves back through the hedge and into my yard.

When she spotted me, she startled, but recovered quickly and launched into a tirade about how the leaves in my yard were blowing across the street into her yard and how I should take them all the way around to the front yard because the truck wouldn’t pick up for another week and how I should be more neighborly and, and, and. Too shocked and amused to be angry, I just smiled in disbelief as she educated me on proper leaf piling technique.

Recalling the incident made me think about all the Gospel ministries in our area and the work we do at First Priority. I am happy to report that I have seen Kingdom minded churches, Kingdom minded ministries and Kingdom minded people, all working TOGETHER to “move the pile” in the same direction. 

In Greeneville, First Priority has partnered with Holston Home for Children to train students at four different schools to share Christ with their peers at First Priority clubs. A recent partnership with another campus ministry in the Kingsport area resulted in 3 decisions for Christ. And just last week, First Priority coordinated volunteers for load out/load in and drivers for the Matthew West concert. 

In the spirit of Thanksgiving and partnering, we invite you to join us in supporting this ministry with your time, talent, treasure and most of all, your prayers, as we Take the Hope of Christ to Every Student. God loves a cheerful giver and so do we! 

A one time gift of $149 puts a club leader kit in the hands of a student leader to start a new club. Would you consider giving $149 or a monthly gift of $12.50 to to help provide the resources a student leader needs? Thank you for your generosity.


Happy Thanksgiving!

David North