JJ is the pastor at South Tampa Fellowship. He has been in ministry for 20+ years. Listen to him share why all churches should partner with the ministry of First Priority!
What if you could honestly change your city…for the good? Many of my executive coaching clients through the years have asked about legacy. I’ve coached Corporate CEOs, Executive Vice Presidents, Managing Directors, Project Managers, pastors and team members. Some business owners, school administrators, those looking for a transition and those who want to improve their career chances, have asked bluntly or just alluded to the topic of having a lasting legacy. Not everybody is interested in a legacy though. Of the hundreds of coaching clients, I’ve coached, it is only a small percentage that even care about leaving a legacy. Of those who do care about legacy, a large percentage just want to endow something that will bear their name after they’ve left this earth. The smaller percentage of folks, though, want to make a difference NOW! That’s how I coach people regarding legacy. I believe your legacy and my legacy is being built right now. It is as simple as answering this question, “what are you being while you are doing what you are doing?” I mean, what are you being today? Are you being kind, nondiscriminatory, fair, generous and benevolent? Are you being approachable, likable and positive? Have you never thought about this?
I now wake up wanting to make a difference in the schools across America through the model of ministry and evangelism called FIRST PRIORITY of AMERICA. As I lead this great organization, I still consider my daily “legacy-building” actions. Be likable today. Be approachable today. Be articulate about the Gospel message today. Be clear with your lifestyle today. Be the hardest worker in your company today as a testimony.
These are all legacy building blocks. You could change your city by making the legacy decision to sponsor a few schools through your church. You could change your entire county by talking with your student pastor, your pastor and Christian parents of several churches in your town about getting FIRST PRIORITY started. These are legacy decisions. It could be that a middle school student that hears about the love of Christ in their school, will one day be the mayor, the school superintendent or the Pastor, Rector or Bishop of a local church. If nothing else, starting a chapter in your town may change the crime rate, the collegial spirit of the future city council meetings!
Change your world through starting a FIRST PRIORITY CHAPTER in your community! It is a legacy decision. Ask me how.
Nancy and I are honored to serve with you in this ministry,
Rick Forbus, PhD
President and CEO
Less than two weeks ago, we celebrated the many things that God is doing in Johnston County and across America at our second annual First Priority Partner Banquet. It is amazing to see how God is using Elementary, Middle, and High School students to impact their schools with the hope of Christ.
Since our launch in Johnston County, we have grown to:
18 schools
28 partner churches
175 student leaders
100 adult volunteers
700 in weekly attendance
322 commitments to Christ.
We are humbled and honored to see what God is doing through the students of Johnston County. Our vision is to be in every school in Johnston County by the end of 2019. This goal is based on the interest of students across Johnston County who want First Priority in their schools.
We would like to give a special thank you to everyone who attended the Banquet. It was our pleasure to host you and spend the evening together. Through your partnership of praying, promoting, participating, and providing, this mission can be accomplished. We are excited to continue this journey together!
Joel Rowland
Executive Director of First Priority Greater Clayton, NC
“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” Romans 10:14
First Priority students are dedicated to reaching friends with the hope of Christ. By partnering with area churches, we provide students with ongoing training and they learn important skills such as:
Public speaking
Team building strategies
Meeting preparation
Conflict resolution
Is this legal?
The First Amendment and the Equal Access Act afford students (in secondary grades) the right to gather on public school campuses, even for religious reasons.
Is the model sustainable?
Because our organizational model is student focused, our resources and training strategies help empower students to be who God created them to be. All groups are student-led and graduating leaders mentor younger leaders, thereby ensuring sustainability.
How is First Priority funded?
As a registered nonprofit, we are funded by donations from churches and private donors. All donations impact local students and are tax deductible.
How can you help?
- By praying for students to share their faith and pursue God’s truth
- By praying for churches to have a burden for students/this generation
- By letting others know about our mission
- By supporting our organization as a donation partner
If you would like to find out more about supporting First Priority you can find more info here.
Amber Johansen
FP Director
First Priority Tampa
On Wednesday September 27th, First Priority clubs all over South Florida joined in a global movement of student prayer! Some schools had over 80 students, parents and teachers. Some only had 2 students. But all were making a bold choice to join hands and ask the Lord onto their campus.
The theme of this year’s See You at the Pole was Hebrews 12:2, “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
For the students at Murray Middle school, this verse really came to life. Their flagpole is right where buses get dropped off in the morning and they were there praying just before school. As their classmates got off the buses, they began harassing the students praying. Although being cursed at and insulted, the First Priority students continued to pray, tears steaming down their faces, that the Lord would bring revival to their campus! After the prayer was over, the resolve was a greater passion to reach their broken and lost classmates!
Today, we praise God for the student leaders who keep their eyes fixed on Jesus, even when it is tough.
Chris Lane
FP Director South Florida
Anxiety and hopelessness crawl across our school campuses in America like a stalking predator. In certain urban environments, students spend their nights with other homeless teens under bridges and then attend school the next day. Why now, more than ever, are young people committing suicide and running away? Hopelessness.
Life can feel out of control. Every day, we hear of hate groups rising to power, wars and the threat of war, and natural disasters leaving wreckage in their wake. Add to these the timeless yet ever-present threats of joblessness, debt, illness, and other personal circumstances, and it’s no wonder anxiety is on the rise. With the absence of responsible parenting and access to everything under the sun, students need Jesus now. Often, when teens feel anxious about something, their initial reaction is to cry out to God, asking Him to fix their situation. But they ask, “What if He doesn’t? What if God doesn’t listen?”
First Priority is an answer for troubled teens that have a gap in their upbringing and connection to anything about Jesus the Messiah. Without First Priority, many students will drift into oblivion to a tragic ending. This powerful Gospel-sharing solution for our nation’s teens, First Priority, needs help. We need concerned parents and pastors to serve with us in this cause. We need funding. In these times, any sacrificial gift you can make to the national budget, can help a teen have the hope of the Gospel at school.
Nancy and I are honored to serve with you,
Rick Forbus, PhD
President and CEO
First Priority of America

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. 1 Peter 3:15
First Priority is a great topic! How do you share your faith outside of the FP conversation? Be intentional about conversations that can lead to hope and the God of Hope.
We should be different from the rest of the “world” (in a good way). God places us in the rarest of places to share our faith and to tell why we have hope. When we ask God to use us, we must be willing to share our faith (and sometimes about our sufferings) even when we are tired, or standing in line at the grocery store.
Every Christian needs to find a way to share their faith in everyday life. I believe God understands our personality types and He is sympathetic that we will not be “raging evangelists” all of the time in every circumstance. But, I also believe we are to be prepared to give an answer, or, a word for God, as often as we can. In a world that seems to have lost all hope, we have a hope. In a world that wants to politicize EVERYTHING, we have a reason for our HOPE.
First Priority is the HOPE for students everywhere, and, Jesus is the HOPE for their parents and the school administrators. It is easy to tell people about hopeful things. What is the reason you have hope? You may firmly believe it is only because you know God is in control of your life and Jesus lives in your heart. But, how often do you have to give a reason for this hope? If you find you rarely have an opportunity to tell someone about the Lord, then ask God for opportunities to share about your hope and He will quickly provide them.
Our simple message is our hope through Christ. It’s not that complicated. Be a living lifestyle missionary this week.
Nancy and I are honored to serve with you,
Rick Forbus, PhD
President and CEO
First Priority of America
We had an intro week at a middle school in Midland, TX before the club officially started. During that club meeting, Kenny invited his friend Niko to his First Priority club. Niko loved it and the following day went to Kenny’s youth group where he gave his life to Jesus. Now they are both leaders in their club on campus.
Shane Kenny
FP Director Permian Basin
3247 students attended SYATP in our three counties. It is the highest number of students in the last four years that the local radio station has been keeping record of. Praise God!
Casey Jones
FP Director North Alabama
Casey Jones
Executive Director
FP North Alabama