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Check out our New Club Kits and other Resources!

By FP Tools

We are so excited to begin this 2018-2019 school year with our weekly guides ready to go as well as new club kits to help kick off the new school year! Check out the clubs kits by clicking the image below to see all that is provided to help you start a new club.


You can also check out and download our First Priority of America App that allows you to have all of the promotional material and weekly guides at your fingertips for free! Download it today on the app store or google play.

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Summer Prayer Challenge: Week 9 – SELF-CONTROL

By Local FP Communities, Priority Parents, Student Leaders

The act of saying “yes” to Jesus causes the “fruit of the Spirit” to come through us! The ninth fruit we are focusing on is SELF-CONTROL. It is difficult in the world we live in to not give in to those things around us that pull us in many different directions away from who we are called to be as Christians. The Bible “teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age”- Titus 2:12. 


Challenge: Pray this week that God would give you the strength to turn from the worldly wants and desires around us and to seek Him. Showing others what it means to live with self-control so that they may also be encourage to live in the same way.

// Thus you will walk in the ways of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous. – Proverbs 2:20 //

Summer Prayer Challenge: Week 8 – GENTLENESS

By Community Leaders, Local FP Communities, Priority Parents, Student Leaders

The act of saying “yes” to Jesus causes the “fruit of the Spirit” to come through us! The eighth fruit we are focusing on is GENTLENESS. We serve a loving God and He has many ways of gently leading us forward. Psalm 119:105 says “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

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Challenge: Pray this week that God would gently lead you toward Him and help you lead others to Him. Specifically, how can you be more gentle in situations to the people around you?
Let’s also pray for the students who will be sharing about GENTLENESS In their schools during the month eight HOPE cycle. 

//let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person- Colossians 4:6//

Summer Prayer Challenge- Week 7: FAITHFULNESS

By Local FP Communities, First Priority Of America, Leadership Development, Community Leaders

The act of saying “yes” to Jesus causes the “fruit of the spirit” to come through us! The seventh fruit we are focusing on is FAITHFULNESS. Our God keeps His Promises which make our faith have meaning and our eternity secure. Practicing faithfulness takes effort and we as humans often fail. So first pray for it, then model and share God’s faithfulness to others!Faithfullness
Challenge: Because God is always faithful, let’s commit to being faithful in praying every day even when we don’t necessarily feel like it. Let’s ask God how we can show others His faithfulness this week.
Let’s also pray for the students who will be sharing about FAITHFULNESS in their schools during the month seven HOPE cycle.
// One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. – Luke 16:10 //

Summer Prayer Challenge: Week 6 – GOODNESS

By Church Leaders, FP Tools, Leadership Development, Community Leaders, Local FP Communities, First Priority Of America

The act of saying “yes” to Jesus causes the “fruit of the Spirit” to come through us! The sixth fruit we are focusing on is GOODNESS. In the same way that the Goodness of God moves Him to act, the Goodness He imparts to us is what causes us to be world changers. Goodness is a heart change that occurs when we put Jesus in charge of our life.Goodness
Challenge: let’s pray that this week we wouldn’t just strive to “do the right things” but that we would seek Jesus deeper so that our hearts and minds will be transformed to imitate Jesus.
Let’s also pray for the students who will be sharing about GOODNESS in their schools during the month six HOPE cycle.

// For we are God’s Masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago – Ephesians 2:10 // 


Thank you for your Partnership

By Priority Parents, Student Leaders, Church Leaders, Faculty Sponsors, Community Leaders

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of First Priority!  We are always encouraged by people who are passionate about reaching students, our future generations. We see the despair of middle and high school students brought on by abuse, addiction, depression, and suicide. Our goal is to bring the HOPE of Christ to every student in America. This past school year, we trained 3,608 Christian students to lead a First Priority club on 820 schools around the country and we saw 10,022 students come to know Christ!  This all happened inside public school buildings this school year! Thank you for being a part of that!

Henry Ford-2We are on our way to helping the 325,000 local churches in our country to influence all 41,000 public middle and high schools. We believe the body of Christ is alive and well in every community in America. What would happen if we got churches in your community to work together to influence their schools with the gospel? After all, Christian churches outnumber public schools four to one! This wouldn’t happen without you working in your community! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Keep praying for the lost to hear the gospel in your schools. Continue helping train and equip the Christian students to share their faith with them. And most importantly, talk about First Priority with family and friends in and out of your community. If nobody is sharing Jesus with the lost students in your school, nobody is sharing Jesus with lost students in your school! We are always one generation away from missing them entirely.

Summer Prayer Challenge: Week 5 – KINDNESS

By Local FP Communities, First Priority Of America

The act of saying “yes” to Jesus causes the “Fruit of the Spirit” to come through us! And the fifth fruit we are focusing on is KINDNESS. The Biblical idea of kindness is defined as one’s usefulness to others, and because God has shown kindness towards us, we are drawn to show kindness to others. Kindess
Challenge: Let’s pray that this week we would be reminded of the ways God has been kind to us so that we can embrace showing kindness to others through our words and actions.
Let’s also pray for the students who will be sharing about KINDNESS in their schools during the month five HOPE cycle.

// so God can point to us in all future ages as examples of the incredible wealth of his grace and kindness towards us, as shown in all he has done for us who are united with Christ Jesus -Ephesians 2:7 //

Summer Prayer Challenge: Week 4- PATIENCE

By Student Leaders, Local FP Communities, First Priority Of America

The act of saying “yes” to Jesus causes the “fruit of the Spirit” to come through us! The fourth fruit we are focusing on is PATIENCE. It’s easy to not practice patience. We live in a very fast paced world where the latest thing can be had at an instant on our phones. But often the best things in life are “worth the wait.”Patience
Challenge: Is there anyone or anything in your life that you need more patience with? Or are you tired of waiting for an answer to something you’ve been praying for? Let’s pray that we would trust in the Lord’s timing and that He would give us the strength to be patient.
Let’s also pray for the students who will be sharing about PATIENCE and perseverance while sharing their faith in their schools during the week four HOPE cycle.
// Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer – Romans 12:12 //

Summer Prayer Challenge: Week 3 – PEACE

By Local FP Communities, Student Leaders, Leadership Development

The act of saying “yes” to Jesus causes the “fruit of the Spirit” to come through us! The third fruit we are focusing on is PEACE. Jesus brought peace into a world full of chaos, and He still desires to bring peace to hearts today. Trying to find our purpose and meaning in anything other than Jesus can lead to a life of worry and anxiety, because none of those things will ever give us a true sense of meaning and purpose.Peace copy

Challenge: Let’s pray that this week we would find our purpose in Jesus. In Matthew 28, Jesus gives His disciples their purpose. He tells them to go and make disciples. That command to make disciples still applies to us as Christians today!

Let’s also pray for the students who will be sharing about PEACE in their schools during the month three HOPE cycle.

// the Lord gives strength to His people, the Lord blesses His people with Peace – Psalm 29:11 //

Summer Prayer Challenge: Week 2- JOY

By Local FP Communities, Priority Parents, Student Leaders, Church Leaders, Community Leaders

The act of saying “yes” to Jesus causes the “fruit of the Spirit” to come through us! And the second fruit we are focusing on is JOY. As we hold onto God we can have gladness that overflows into our friends, family, and the world. Joy

Challenge: Let’s pray that this week we would pursue the Joy of the Lord even when life gets tough. Let’s pray that that Joy would overflow out of us so that we can impact the people around us for the sake of the Gospel.

Let’s also pray for the students who will be sharing about JOY in their schools during the month two HOPE cycle.

I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my Joy. Yes, your joy will overflow -John 15:11