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By Local FP Communities, Church Leaders, Community Leaders

I don’t mean to start with the obvious or to be too simple, but the way we think affects the way that we see the world and ultimately how we act each and every day. So, we begin here.

  • We hear people say that culture is ‘so bad’, and we agree with that sentiment. But let’s look at it as an opportunity. The pendulum of our culture always swings from spiritual depravity to spiritual awaking. If you have studied revivals in the past, we are due to see one happen. What an opportunity we have to be a catalyst of this next revival!
  • There are more students who identify themselves as Christians than identify with any other group in the school building on any given day. At least we think so. There is not a poll that has been taken on this. Especially since there are so many privacy laws in place around minors and around the school system today. But, we feel that many still would check that box should they get the multiple choice. Maybe 25% of the students would feel this way? Unless you are a part of a small rural school with 100 students total and the band has 26 of those students in it. Then there would be more band members. That said, in a small rural school, there is a greater chance of there being upwards of 80% of the students who call themselves Christian with some 71% of U.S. adults considering themselves Christian in 2019.

Either way, we are convinced that one of the largest groups on school campuses are Christian students. The problem is they are not organized. The school system helps organize the football team. They buy equipment, hire coaches and give the players a place to practice and play. The same is true with the band and other sanctioned organizations on campus. What if we organized the Christian students? Would that not be a game changer? Would that not change student ministry in your community? Would that be worth asking God to use you to help organize and unite the body of Christ in the middle and high schools of your community?

Why say all this? Cause there are more Christians for your students to partner with at school than just those that go to your student ministry. Think about the implications of a united Christian student-led movement at school.

Which naturally leads to thinking about the bigger picture in your community.  What would happen if the student ministry leaders in your community knew each other, trusted each other, and worked together at school for the common ground of building the Kingdom of Christ.

We Want to Help

By Nehemiah

I have been working in youth ministry for over 30 years. After all of those years, I think I have a little bit more of an understanding of how the devil messes with youth pastors. The devil wants you to be stuck in the youth pastor hamster wheel, doing the same thing over and over expecting something different. A lot of  times, he makes us think that the grass will be greener at another church or in another position within the church that we are better suited for. The average tenure of a youth pastor in a church is 18 months. Wow! But who would blame you for leaving? Youth pastors are often the lowest person on the totem pole, having the lowest budget in the church, being asked to do everything, even mowing the grass (nothing wrong with mowing grass but…). The devil has done a great job in America to discourage youth pastors! We understand and we believe you have the most important job in the world. The percentage of people that come to Christ before they graduate high school is why the devil works so hard to defeat you.

We want to help. We want you to be successful in raising up student leaders that can change the world. We believe a majority of the disciples that Jesus called were teenagers! We believe that the majority of the revivals that have swept the world were started by teenagers. We believe that there is more than a remnant of students in our country that are ready to change the world. As the book of Acts states, “these men who have turned the world upside down are in our city also.” Acts 17:6

They are here. They are in your church now. They are ready. They need a challenge. They need a platform, a plan, and they need your coaching.

This new year help your students start First Priority. If you are interested please send an email to

God bless,


What Does a New Year Mean to You?

By First Priority Of America

It’s a new year! Another year has gone and a new year has come. Some say, well it’s just a day, one day it was 2018 and the next day it’s 2019. Nothing has changed. For some that’s true. They just continue in their same daily life without a change in the world. But for some it’s a 2nd chance, or a start of something new and different. Or even maybe to give something up for a while. Of course the gyms are flooded with people trying to get back in shape. More people set goals of things they want to accomplish or try to accomplish anyway. All those things are good things. Goals that we set out to accomplish that make us better people in one way or another. But we also want to focus on the ‘why’ of what we do.

What does a new year mean to you_ (1)

My church started a 21 day fast on the first day of the New Year. A way in which to focus on God and unite together to bring about revival in a place that so needs it. Whatever it is that you set out to do or not do in this new year, I pray that God will be in it. I pray that you are doing it for the right reason and that through it you will come closer to walk along side the One who gave you life. I pray that your passions will align with His and that He will lead you to be more like Him in how you live your life.

As we begin a new year at First Priority of America, we want to make sure we are intentional about what we do and how we do it. We want God in it all. Our desire is for us all to grow in Him so that we can continue our journey to see the Hope of Christ in every student.

This is Exciting!

By Nehemiah, Local FP Communities
We received the email below from a new club that launched this year and we just had to share it!

“I know I recently sent you an email but I just had to send another one after experiencing the launch of First Priority this morning at our school.” This group took jumping multiple hurdles to begin! It started the first time 6-8 weeks ago. Everything seemed to be moving along, but it was quickly shut down by the administration. There was confusion of what First Priority really was. After much parent and student involvement, conferences with staff and emails, today finally arrived as our new official launch. The leader team is 5 7th grade girls and their faith will inspire yours in minutes! They are oozing with excitement for the Lord and preparing days in advance. (Something quite notable with their younger age!) It is the only group that is meeting before school and at 7:15am! But that did not stop students from coming. 47 students came this morning!! They had to borrow chairs from the other teacher’s classrooms next door.  It is the first meeting and we are at our max! We will look into meeting in the media center next. The teacher host told me she was up at 4am praying over this meeting. The director of FCA is supporting First Priority by graciously sponsoring all of the donuts this year. Today he met me in the parking lot at 7am with 48 donuts and two boxes of donut holes. While picking up the donuts, he strikes up a conversation with someone who just so happens to be a past substitute teacher for our school and he tells him that he has been praying over that school to experience God. I am so amazed at what God is doing here!

The girls opened the meeting reading about love from 1st Corinthians and shared that THIS is how God loves us. Then they went around the room and every single person gave a suggestion of what loving others could look like on their school campus. I was speechless. It was so beautiful. Afterwards, a student said, “Wow, that was so soothing.” Next week, we are going to jump right in to Engage week and let a male student share his faith story. Apparently, it is an amazing story and he is excited to share it. He will be moving soon, so we are changing things up a bit to give him the chance to speak.

Please be praying over this student and the gal who will share the Gospel afterwards.

Wow! God is moving. What an incredible story of faithfulness. Be encouraged and know that God can move where you are too!

12 Days of Christmas

By First Priority Of America

There was a period of time in England when Christians were not able to practice their faith openly so they had to find other ways to pass on their beliefs. The song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” is one example of how they did just that. The song goes:

”On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me…” The ”true love” represented God, and ”me” represented those who are Christians and have received God’s gifts.
”Partridge in a pear tree” represented Jesus Christ who died on a tree as a gift from God.
”Two turtle doves” represented the Old and New Testaments, another gift from God.
”Three French hens” represented faith, hope, and love.
”Four calling birds” spoke of the 4 Gospels that tell the story of salvation.
”Five golden rings” spoke of the first 5 books of the Bible.
‘Six geese a laying” spoke of the days of creation.
‘Seven swans a swimming” spoke of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
“Eight maids a milking” spoke of the 8 beatitudes.
”Nine ladies dancing” spoke of the 9 fruits of the Spirit.
”Ten lords a leaping” spoke of the 10 Commandments.
”Eleven pipers piping” spoke of the eleven faithful disciples.
”Twelve drummers drumming” spoke of the 12 Apostles.

Regardless of the history of this song, people have had to hide their faith out of fear of the government. One of the greatest blessings we have as Americans is our religious freedom. What sets us apart from all other nations in the world is our right to worship and assemble without fear of the government. I know there is persecution and sometimes ridicule in our country, but our religious freedom trumps all. Do you realize the freedom our Christian students have on their public middle and high school campuses? Most of us do not. We think the schools have banned Christians on campus from expressing their faith, but it is just not true. We have one of the greatest opportunities right in front of us. We as youth pastors and leaders, can equip and empower students with a plan of action so they can change the lives of students at their school. Give us a call or or send us a text, we would love to help equip you.
God bless,

Mark Roberts

Share the Joy of Christmas

By First Priority Of America

As we approach Christmas, we as Christians are reminded of the greatest miracle to ever take place, and the opportunity of a lifetime.

Matthew 1:23 “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel”[a] (which means “God with us”).
John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

The Gospel means good news. It is the best news ever. God loves us so much that he sent his son into the world to show us what He was like and to prove His love toward us that while we were yet sinners, He died for us (Rom 5:8). That is the message the world needs to hear. That is the only message that really matters, that God knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb, (Jer.1:5) and He desires to know you through a relationship with Jesus Christ. joy-1823939_960_720That is the Joy of Christmas. That is the hope of the world. That is the message that needs to be on our lips everyday and that is the mission of First Priority.

I have been around First Priority for many years and have seen thousands of students who’s lives were eternally changed because they heard that message.

I am proud to say that First Priority is intentional about sharing the gospel on campus. I heard a youth pastor ask one of our directors how First Priority reached so many students, which he replied “we plan to.” I love that because it is so true. That is what we do, we train and equip student leaders to share the good news with their campus, that’s our plan. I want to encourage you this Christmas time to be intentional about sharing the gospel. There are thousands of students all over our country that are desperate to receive the message.

The best gift you can give this Christmas is the hope of Christ. Go tell it on the mountain. You have an opportunity of a life time to go tell everyone about Christmas.

Merry Christmas

Mark Roberts

You are 1 of 25! See How.

By Uncategorized

One week from today is #GivingTuesday 11.27.18. We are looking for 25 people who will partner on that day to support students leading Christian clubs in our nation. They are sharing the Hope of Christ in their school. Will you be one of those 25 who help them? On November 27th you will have the opportunity to partner with us on this journey. We thank you for your support.

Scott Emerine is one who has already said, “ YES!”. In this short video, he shares with us about how he supports First Priority as a parent, board member, campus coach and business leader. He also talks about how thankful he is for the support of people like you as he takes on all these roles.

Screen Shot 2018-11-20 at 8.39.39 AMAs we enter into this time of Thanksgiving with family and friends we are thankful for those who have journeyed with us through prayer and financial partnership, whether it be as a volunteer, prayer partner or donor.


Help Spread the Word

By First Priority Of America

Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of advertising and we need your help. We need you to help spread the word about what First Priority is and how it enables students to share Christ with their peers at their schools. We want to see the Hope of Christ in every student. In order to reach that goal, we need to be telling others about the lives changed through students meeting in clubs at their schools, the greatest mission field of all. Did you know that over 10,000 students gave their lives to Christ last year in First Priority clubs across our nation? That is something to celebrate and to share!


How You Can Help

Think about the people you know. Those you work with, that you run into each week. Maybe a neighbor or friend you talk to frequently. Have they heard about First Priority? Talk to them about it. Point them in the direction to learn more.

They can follow us on facebookinstagramyoutubelinkedin and read more at We can’t reach everyone without your help. Only you have the power to connect with those around you. We can make a difference together.

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As you share with others about who and what First Priority is, would you also consider sharing our goal for #GivingTuesday on 11.27.18? We are looking for 25 people who will give on #GivingTuesday. This will allow new clubs to start so that more lives can be changed. We can’t do it on our own. We need your help to spread the word about First Priority so that together we can see the Hope of Christ in every student.

First Priority of America Celebrates #GivingTuesday

By First Priority Of America

About Giving Tuesday:

#GivingTuesday is a global giving movement that has been built by individuals, families, organizations, businesses and communities in all 50 states and in countries around the world. Founded in 2012 by the 92nd Street Y – a community and cultural center in New York City − #GivingTuesday inspired millions of people to give back and support the causes they believe in. Over $300 million was raised online to benefit a tremendously broad range of organizations, and much more was given in volunteer hours, donations of food and clothing, and acts of kindness. This year, #GivingTuesday falls on November 27.

#GivingTuesday harnesses the collective power of a unique blend of partners to transform how people think about, talk about, and participate in the giving season. It inspires people to take collective action to improve their communities, give back in better, smarter ways to the charities and causes they believe in, and help create a better world. #GivingTuesday demonstrates how every act of generosity counts, and that they mean even more when we give together.

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studentsStudents Reach Students

Will you help us train more student leaders so that more students will hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ? It takes $3000 to start a new club. Our goal is to raise $9000 on Giving Tuesday so 3 new clubs can be started in order to continue our mission which is “The Hope of Christ in Every Student.”



Lives are Being ChangedScreen Shot 2018-11-01 at 10.05.31 AM

We know this to be true because last week in just one of the many places across the United States where First Priority exists, 44 students made a decision to follow Christ! That’s amazing. Imagine how many more will come to know Christ this year with your help. Keep reading more stories about life change here.





#GivingTuesday 11.27.18

We hope you will partner with us to launch 3 new clubs so that we can celebrate spreading further our mission of the “Hope of Christ in Every Student.”