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Are You A Good Salesperson?

By January 11, 2016Uncategorized

Excerpt From: Andy Stanley. “Making Vision Stick.” iBooks.

“While in graduate school, I had a professor who was fond of saying, “If the student hasn’t learned, the teacher hasn’t taught.” The same could be said of leadership and casting vision. We are the keepers and purveyors of the vision. If the people around us don’t know where we are going, it’s because we haven’t made it clear. Instead of casting stones, we need to look in the mirror and ask ourselves: How can I make the vision clearer? Simpler? More accessible? What can I do to make it stick? How do I drive this vision down into every level of the organization?”

Whether you run a ministry or a business, people (costumers) need to know who you are and what you sale. If you are in the ministry you have the greatest sales item in the world which is the gospel. You also have a great “Closer” in The Holy Spirit. We also have the greatest salesman in the world as our guide, his name is the Apostle Paul. I think sometimes we forget that we sale Christ, and we push Hope, and we push life abundantly. That is the greatest and most humbling opportunity that we have and most of the time we make it complicated. The fact is that the Gospel is simple and the vision and commision Jesus gave us are very clear. The great teacher Jesus has taught us well. He told us and demonstrated for us to love God and love people. If we do that then people will know our mission and vision, because Jesus said in John 13:35, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Keep Fishing!

Mark Roberts

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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