Navigating the app as a Campus Coach/Faculty Sponsor
This training guide is designed to give new and current Campus Coaches an overview of everything you can do inside the First Priority Club app. Coaches and Teachers have identical abilities. We’ve designed the app to include everything you need to run a smooth and productive club where students reach students.
1) Click on the “My FP” Tab at the bottom of the screen
In the first block you can easily see what three meetings are up next. Click on each meeting to take you directly to that meeting page.
Next, you can see if there are meeting that need to be reported. Reports are quick, 30-second reports to keep everyone informed about the club meeting. You can see more about reports later.
Next, you can confirm which club you are part of and see interesting facts about your club statistics.
Lastly, you can see any recent announcements that have been made by you or others who have access to that feature like staff, Campus Coaches, and Faculty Sponsors.
2) Click on the “Talk” tab
The chat feature is a new tool we’ve created to help you communicate better with those on your team. If you are a Campus Coach to only one club, that will be the only chat available to you to send messages to. If you are a Campus Coach to more than one club, you will first see a list of clubs to choose from to make sure your message gets to the appropriate group.
3) Click on the “Meetings” tab
The third tab at the bottom of the menu bar will show you a list of all upcoming meetings that are scheduled for your club. There are a couple of important features on this page that you might find helpful.
1) Click on each club meeting to view the details or change them.
2) Click on the plus icon at the bottom right side of the screen to add a new meeting.
4) Meeting details page
This page is full of features that will help keep your club organized and help remind people about your club meetings!
1) In the top lefthand corner, you will see a “Share” button. When you click that, you will get a menu with options to share a link to anyone in your influence and invite them to the club meeting.
2) In the top right corner you will notice three dots. That’s a menu with options to edit the current club meeting details, cancel this club meeting, or cancel this one include all future meetings. This action cannot be undone.
3) You can also send an announcement to everyone in that club by clicking the “Send announcement” button.
5) Adding a new meeting
After click the “plus” icon at the bottom right side of the screen on the “Meeting” tab, you will get a new popup screen for you to enter any details.
If any default details have been added by your Area Coordinator, then you may not have to change the location or time.
Check that all of the details are correct and then click “Done.”
6) Submitting a club report
After each club meeting, we ask that each club reports on the day’s club meeting. This report will automatically appear on the club meeting page at the bottom of the screen.
Anyone other than a student can report using the app or browser window (
All details are important, but we love to hear stories! If God is doing something really great in your club, make sure to share that by clicking, “Yes” in the bottom of the report.
And as always, you can report if your club needs anything as well.