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A Call to Serve

I am a parent. I have two beautiful children, one of which is a teenager. I pray for my kids everyday. Life is scary and doesn’t always work out the way you think it should. I know it definitely didn’t for me. Never would I have thought I would be a single mom. I grew up in the church. Was very involved in the church from childhood to adulthood. I married someone in ministry as well and so I thought my life was set. Little did I know, life wasn’t as set as I thought.

As I pray for my kids, I think of the many things I am thankful for. I am definitely thankful that I was led to work at a place where God is the center of it all. As I sit at my desk, I am reminded of our call to serve.

I know we all don’t have a teenager in our lives. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t our job to pray for them, help them, and reach out to encourage them in Christ. What better way to do that than supporting or starting a First Priority Club in a middle or high school near you. God may be calling you to pray. God may be calling you to provide food. God may be urging you to do more. I know I have definitely felt the call in my life to do more. The students in our schools need us. They need us to help them so that they can do more. Our students are eager to be in community with each other and are eager to hear the gospel. But they can’t hear it if we don’t first make a way for them to share the good news of Christ.

I talked a few weeks ago about being BRAVE. Being brave is hard. It takes that first step of faith to set something into motion. What steps do you need to take to set a plan into motion? Can you pray for our students? Can you pray that God would bring the people our students need to start more FP clubs across our nation so that more lives are changed for Christ? Can you help in some way, to see the HOPE of Christ in every student?


Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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