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The Harvest is Plentiful

By November 17, 2023Uncategorized

The first week of November has kicked off a BUSY month with four Celebrate the Win donor luncheons across the Northeast TN District and lots of other things to plan and coordinate! Attendees heard directly from our Student Leaders on the impact First Priority is having in their lives and in their schools.

Emma Grace and Teagan, two of our middle school Student Leaders did a fantastic job speaking at the Greeneville luncheon. I was particularly struck by their words “more than a club” in describing how they have each taken on the responsibility and leadership of their club and are seeing lost friends attend and hear the Good News of Jesus.

A grandmother of one of our Student Leaders was particularly moved as she saw her granddaughter preparing to speak. She told me that recently she had lost her husband who taught Sunday school for 50 years. Then she smiled and added, “He would be so proud to see his granddaughter up there speaking about Jesus.”

Will, another First Priority Student Leader from Kingsport was asked how First Priority has impacted his life. He told of first hearing the Good News about Jesus after being invited to a First Priority club. Will gave his life to Jesus and then fully engaged in the club, volunteering as a Student Leader. Today, Will is speaking regularly to his peers about Jesus and has plans pursue a career in medicine where he can continue to share the Hope of Christ with many people.

As Will shared, his classmate and fellow First Priority Student Leader, Caroline, stood beside him smiling. Three years ago, Caroline spearheaded the effort to launch First Priority at her school and now she is seeing the fruit of her labor and obedience to following Jesus.

My friends, the Harvest is truly plentiful and it reminds me to ask you to join us and as Jesus said, “…pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

More than 20 individuals have joined us in the last 40 days as monthly financial partners and many others have become prayer partners or volunteered in a club. Thank You!

Has God prompted you to get involved with First Priority in some way?

Please consider participating with First Priority to help students in your area Take the Hope of Christ to Every Student.

Happy Thanksgiving!

David North
District Director
Northeast Tennessee

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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