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Reaching God’s Children

Remember the first time you heard the Gospel? You probably felt a weight lift off of your shoulders or felt immense joy. The Good News can bring us all hope, whether we are already a believer or we’re just hearing it for the first time. We are called to live our lives in accordance with God’s will, but we are also called to testify to those who do not know Him.

Mark 13:10 states, “And the gospel must be preached to all nations.”

So what does it look like to share the Gospel? It is as simple as reaching out and telling someone about Jesus. You don’t need some elaborate plan to inform someone about what Jesus has done for you, and for them. When you have these little interactions, you are planting a seed for the Holy Spirit to come and work in their lives.

Think about the game of Telephone. And for those who do not know what that is, it is when a group of people gather in a circle and someone will whisper to a player a word or phrase. The word then gets passed through whispers all the way to the end of the circle. Sharing the Gospel can have the same effect. If we just tell one person about Jesus, they can go and share it with their friends or families. So let’s get out there and share the good news!

Shane and Natalie Kenney at First Priority of Permian Basin spoke at the First Priority San Antonio Luncheon. Both of them agreed that we need to reach students. It is time to start paving the way for students to be reached and know they are loved by God. To listen to more of what Shane and Natalie have to say, click the link to our podcast here.

This blog post was written by Kenley Kizer

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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