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Fight or Flight

By September 12, 2023Local FP Communities

We often use a football game as analogy for how First Priority is intended to work, with the Students Leaders being compared to the players on the field, adult volunteers as the Coaches for the clubs and the Faculty Sponsors as the referees. But what students face in their schools every day is not a game on an athletic field is it? It is spiritual warfare on a battlefield. And there is more at stake here than bragging rights and a pendant. We aren’t even two months into the school year and I have already heard multiple reports of students who gave up hope and ended their lives.

In the middle of all of this parents and students are making decisions about how they are going to deal with what is unfolding around them. Fight or Flight. These are the ONLY two options. Some parents make the hard decision to pull their kids from the public system and either home school or send them to a private school. But to the ones who feel called to stay I say take the fight to the enemy.

Reminds me of some lines from the movie “Lord Of The Rings”.

Aragorn to King Theoden upon learning that the enemy was just a days march away. “Ride out and meet them in battle!”

Theoden: “I will not risk open war.”

Aragorn: “Open war is upon you wether you would risk it or not.”

Fear and complacency keep many from engaging. But don’t be fooled, your Enemy knows where the battle is and is ALL IN.

Students are the ones who have the strategic position in the schools. They have a word of HOPE that their friends need and the freedom, for now, to share it. So Take Ground!

“For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.”
~2 Corinthians 10:3-4.

First Priority is opening multiple new fronts in this battle in several counties this Fall, with new clubs planning launches in Washington Co., Sevier Co., Johnson Co., Hawkins Co., Greene Co., and Cocke County.

First Priority students have responded, with one Student Leader sharing the Hope of Christ with 80 students who attended their club. Another First Priority Club partnered with a church for a tailgate party at their school’s big rival game and one Student Leader shared the Good News about Jesus to crowd of around 100 bystanders.

Have you asked God if He wants you to get involved with First Priority? Pause today, take minute to get still and quiet and ask God if He wants you to support this work.

Let me know what He says…

David North
TN1 District Director

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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