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Did you know that we are offering two leadership scholarships this year to a deserving senior who exemplifies leadership in their First Priority Club! We are excited to offer this opportunity to help our student leaders continue to grow and lead as they seek the next step towards their futu

We are also looking forward to the annual Spring Meetings which will take place in two cities:

Nashville May 1-2

Tampa May 8-9

Spring Meetings are a chance for us to reflect on this year and look towards even greater things for the coming year.

God is on the move and it is evident in the stories that we witness and the growth in our club numbers so far this year.

One story, I want to share, comes from First Priority Permian Basin. They had their students create and share cardboard testimonies. Students shared how the love and support they received through their FP Club, helped them make the turn from broken to healed. Students were “not seen”, “felt like a nobody” before Jesus and now “feel loved”, “like a somebody”. Many found very concrete answers to heavy problems, a place to live; a set of parents. One student stated if all the stories told were true, she wants to get to know Jesus.

We are thankful for the willingness of student leaders who are sharing the Gospel with their peers.

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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