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Hey I know you, you’re a Christian too?

The 2022-23 school year has begun everywhere across the nation and we are already hearing some amazing stories. One of our newest Districts, Cincinnati, is seeing God move in many ways. Here is just a small part of what God is doing there.

From District Director, Justin Theriot, “On Thursday 8/25 FP Cincinnati did our first club training with students, campus coaches, and faculty sponsors! We had eight students present, 5 churches represented, the campus coach and the faculty sponsor. I was not really sure what to expect. The high school students represented every grade and also did not run in the same circles at Batavia HS. Some did not even know each other.

I heard multiple times, “Hey I know you, you’re a Christian too?” Friendships and bonds were being formed.

I asked the students to be bold and pray us out. Two students raised their hands and gave that awkward,” oh you can do it” almost simultaneously. I chimed in with, “how about you both pray? You dial and you hang up.” As we were praying you could feel the thankfulness and sincerity in their voices. One student prayed, “God, you know I have been praying for a way to share you at my school. I think this is it.”

I am so thankful for what we are already seeing God do in FP Clubs across the nation. God is on the move. Will you help support the furthering of His Kingdom so that together, we can take the HOPE of Christ to every student? Thank you for being a part of the First Priority movement. Sharing our mission with others helps our future generation be able to share their story and see their peers come to know the love of Jesus.

Mark Robbins, FPoA President

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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