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A great story from Chick-fil-A

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” ~Ephesians 2.10

As the TN1 team bustles about this summer, laying the groundwork for new clubs to launch this Fall, we very much have the sense that God has been preparing things and has gone before us, laying out those good works for us to step into. It has been so encouraging to see people getting excited about the work ahead and what God will do. It’s contagious!

At a recent  network meeting, courtesy Chick-fil-A of Greenville, a young mother was sitting close enough to overhear our plans and turned around to ask if we could bring First Priority to her area. She told us her fourth grade son dresses himself up in a suit to go to school in case he gets a chance to preach!

This month we had network meetings for Greene County and Cocke County to begin the process of pairing Campus Coaches and churches to individual schools.  

We now have 7 of our initial 10 targeted schools in Greeneville covered by a Campus Coach and Cocke County isn’t far behind!  We will continue to seek additional Campus Coaches as we move on to identifying the Student Leaders and Faculty Sponsors for each school.

As we continue in our purpose, “to unite the church to equip students so that every teen on every middle and high school campus in the United States can hear the Gospel from a friend”,  we are praying  for others to come along and invest their time their talent and their treasure for this eternal purpose.

Campus Coaches, Faculty Sponsors and Student Leaders are needed in all 12 Tennessee counties that make up the 1st District.

If you would like more information about how you can connect with us please contact one of the First Priority folks listed below.

Grace to you,

David North, District Director

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Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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