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First Priority is multi-church, not para-church

By July 30, 2020Nehemiah

As someone who has done ministry, you have a passion to reach students. You also probably have tried working with other groups to reach students in school before. But, those opportunities did not return the results you desired. Some of them may have even caused hardship for your student ministry at church, pulling students away rather than helping you to grow.

Well, First Priority is different. We are not better, faster, or any other “er” than para-church ministries. We are different; we are multi-church. See, we believe the Holy Spirit is alive and well in every community in America. He is working in and through the local Church. What if we could help bring the local Church together around a school and give students from those churches a simple platform and plan to share Hope with their peers? We do not just believe that lives will change, we know because we have seen over 18,000 students come to follow Jesus in the past 18 months.

Will you do something different this fall? Will you allow us to join you and guide you as you reach students in your community? And yes, we do have a plan for COVID. Even if your school isn’t meeting in person, the students still have influence over each other and can influence their peers with hope and bring them into your community.

To get you started, be on the watch for next week’s email because we are going to be sending you a FREE resource to empower your students to share faith with their friends – Story Training.

Until next week,
Brad and Mark


Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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