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This student leader in FP North Alabama chose to lead despite her circumstances.

A 10th grade girl name Jenna just became a student leader for her first priority club that just started their 1st year at her school. Jenna is one of the student leaders that helped organize SYATP to pray for her faculty, administration, fellow students and community. What people don’t know is that her mom is battling cancer and was having surgery that same day and yet she believed God was on the move in her school. We make so many excuses all of the time of why we can’t show up and lead. But these students, in the middle of their own battles are getting on their knees to pray for people who can’t pray for themselves and to encourage others with the HOPE of Christ. Read more here

We as the body need to support the movement that God is pouring out on this generation, they are our future and our future looks great with First Priority student leaders like Jenna. Her school had 77 in attendance for prayer, multiple teacher sponsors and 5 churches in support. Look at our great God working through young women and men that are willing to say “Here am I send me”

Kristina Sears

Author Kristina Sears

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